Brainwaves bring new prospects to virtual reality

A new paper published by the University of Memphis explores whether consumer-grade brainwave (EEG) devices can meaningfully and accurately identify the wearer's mental state, opening up not only possibilities for medical or health applications, but also similar sensors. Combined with virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) heads, the feedback loop has special value for medical, entertainment and essential marketing.

Brainwaves bring new prospects to virtual reality

The article "Identifying Mental Status by Brainwave Wearable Devices" records a study in which 10 males and 6 females have a total of 16 subjects, and their responses to instructional videos and cat pet videos are transmitted through brainwaves. InteraXon Muse Measured.

The $300 Muse device has far fewer sensors than medical-grade brainwave monitors, and it is far less detailed than the cumbersome and complex hospital equipment. The Muse device is directly sold by the manufacturer as an aid to meditation, and the effect of this use has been well received.

To evaluate the analytical value of this recreational brainwave monitor, Memphis researchers Pouya Bashivan, Irina Rish and Steve Heisig used a variety of machine learning algorithms to screen out the illusions of 16 object feedbacks for viewing educational or entertainment videos. .

The challenge of obtaining accurate brainwave data is shared with high-end medical devices , including interference from nerve impulses in the millivolt range, which is due to head muscle movement, especially to express tension, happiness, discomfort or other experimental stimuli. The resulting emotions may be generated by facial expressions.

Muse's limited sensor array—four prefrontal and posterior occipital lymph nodes—obtains sufficient data based on an oscillating response that satisfactorily infers the mental state of the subject based on a rational or inductive response to the video.

The thick-haired subjects also encountered difficulties in extracting accurate data from Muse, but the practical limitation of consumer-grade brain waves is their practicality rather than economy; creating better sensors by using gels instead of dry joints The contacts also prevent sweat, slippage or other obstructions that disrupt the flow of data. However, the forward-looking nature of the study suggests a need for convenience.

Some scientific studies have spent money on exploring the feasibility of using consumer-grade brainwave equipment for "serious" fields. The Emotiv EPOC concept controller has higher resolution and more sensors, priced at $400-500. At this point, it was criticized by Matthieu Duvinage and others from Facult Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium, and the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. The school's Hiran Ekanayake is praising the device and is optimistic about its potential.

Muse's elegant styling may remind technology fans of the upcoming head-to-head design, the increasingly lightweight and stylish heads of the HoloLens research project from Oculus and Microsoft.

In 2013, Chris Zaharia integrated the Emotiv EPOC into the Oculus Rift system, enabling thought control of virtual objects and environments, as well as hand movements controlled by Hydra games. Demonstration applications include construction, medical and gaming:

But what is puzzling is that Emotiv EPOC has introduced both consumer and research models, and also provides a license agreement that forces users to hang all applications developed with EPOC in their own stores. Selling - This policy has been condemned by Oculus fans and has also eclipsed the enthusiasm of VR enthusiasts. All EPOC buyers who need raw brainwave data must pay an additional $300 to purchase a separate license, while education and business licenses cost $2,600 and $6,500, respectively - making it difficult to develop this technology as low as the Raspberry Pi project. .

In May last year, researchers at the University of Southern California and Facebook's Oculus branch demonstrated for the first time a way to transfer the facial expressions of an Oculus Rift user to a game. But if the VR/AR head really shows your emotions, this feature can be integrated into a wider range of research and entertainment.

Such a fine-grained approach to measuring responses seems to be of great interest to inquiry teams and sales researchers who can test a wider range of subjects and gain a larger commercial user base with standardized brainwave monitoring capabilities.

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