Comparison of performance and price of major sequencers in the market
Instrument: HiSeq X
Instrument Price ( USD ): $ 1,000,000/ set (must buy from 10 units)
Length measurement: 2*150
Maximum data yield at one time: 1.6~1.8 T ( two flowcells)
Time to run once: 3 days
Data production for one year of operation: 219T
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ): $7
Average base interpretation error rate: 0.2%
Detailed technical performance: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA4NzE0MTYwOQ==&mid=10013823&idx=1&sn=c93684980ea4c689d9906cc0e19c3f7c#rd
Official information link: http://res.illumina.com/documents/products/datasheets/datasheet-hiseq-x-ten.pdf
Instrument: HiSeq 2500 Upgrade
Instrument price ( USD ): 740,000
Length measurement: 125*2, high-throughput mode; 250*2, fast mode
Maximum data output at one time: 0.9~1 T (2*125 mode, two flowcells)
Time to run once: 6 days
Data production for one year of operation: 60T
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ): $30
Average base interpretation error rate: 0.1%
Factory date limit: HiSeq can be upgraded after 2013, and cannot be upgraded before.
Official technical information: http://res.illumina.com/documents/products/datasheets/datasheet_hiseq2500.pdf
Instrument: HiSeq 2500 not upgraded version
Instrument price ( USD ): 740,000
Length measurement: 2*150
Maximum data output at one time: 180G/run (fast mode 2*150, 2 Flowcell; the output of high-throughput mode is the same as HiSeq 2000, see next box)
Time to run once: 40 hours
Data production for one year of operation: 32T
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ): $ 55
Average base interpretation error rate: 0.260%
Instrument: HiSeq 2000
Instrument price ( USD ): 654,000
Length measurement: 2*100
Maximum data production at a time: 600G/run (2*100 mode, two flowcells)
Time to run once: 11 days (2*100 mode, two flowcells)
Data production for one year of operation: 20T
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ): $41
Average base interpretation error rate: 0.260%
Instrument: NextSeq 500
Instrument price ( USD ): 250,000
Length measurement: 2*150
Maximum data production at a time: 100~120 G/run (one Flowcell)
Run time: 29 hours
Data production for one year of operation: 29T
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ): $41
Average base interpretation error rate: 0.2%
Official technical information: http://res.illumina.com/documents/products/datasheets/datasheet-nextseq-500.pdf
Instrument: MiSeq
Instrument price ( USD ): 99,000
Length measurement: 2*300
Maximum data production at a time: 13.2~15G ( one Flowcell)
Time to run once: 65 hours (300*2 mode)
Data production for one year of operation: 1.6T
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ): $86
Average base interpretation error rate: 0.200%
Official technical information: http://res.illumina.com/documents/products/datasheets/datasheet_miseq.pdf
Official video:
Instrument: Proton with PI chip ( Proton current status)
Instrument price ( USD ): 243,000
Length measurement: 200
Maximum data production at a time: 10G
Run time: 2~4 hours
Data production for one year of operation: 11T (three runs per day)
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ): $80
Average base interpretation error rate: 1%
Official video:
Instrument: Proton with PII chip (future state, maybe PII chip can be launched in 2014 )
Instrument price ( USD ): 243,000
Length measurement:?
Maximum data production at a time: 30G
Time to run once:?
Data production for one year of operation: 33T (three runs per day)
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ):?
Average base interpretation error rate:?
Instrument: Ion Torrent PGM
Instrument price ( USD ): 80,000
Length measurement: 400
Maximum data output at one time: 1~2G
Run time: 7.3 hours (400bp), 4.4 hours (200bp)
Operating data production year: 1.4T (a day to run three run)
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ): $ 450 (based on 318 chips and 400bp read length)
Average base interpretation error rate: 1.00%
instrument: Â PacBio RS
Instrument price ( USD ): 965,000
Length measurement: 10000bp
Maximum data production at a time: 0.1G/run
Time of operation: 2 hrs
Data production for one year of operation: 146G (running 4 runs per day)
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ): Â $2000
Average base interpretation error rate: 12%
Official video:
instrument: Â 454 GS Junior (the instrument has been discontinued )
Instrument price ( USD ): 108,000
Length measurement: 400
Maximum data yield at one time: 0.035G
Time of operation: 8 hrs
Data production for one year of operation: Â 12G
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ): Â $31000
Average base interpretation error rate: homopoleer greater than 6 bases is not allowed
Official video:
instrument: Â 454 FLX (the instrument has been discontinued )
Instrument price ( USD ): 500,000
Length measurement: 1000
Maximum data production at a time: 0.5G
Run time: 7.5 hrs
Data production for one year of operation: Â 180G
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ): Â $16400
Average base interpretation error rate: homopoleer greater than 6 bases is not allowed
instrument: Â Nanopore
Instrument Price ( USD ): 1000
Length measurement: ?
One maximum data yield: ?
Time to run once: Â ?
Data production for one year of operation: Â ?
Reagent fee per G data ( USD ): ?
Average base interpretation error rate: ?
Official video:
instrument: Â ABI 3730XL Â Classic generation sequencer ( 96 channels of capillary)
Instrument price ( USD ): 357,000
Length measurement: 900
Maximum data production at a time: 81,600Bp
Run time: 2 hours
Data production for one year of operation: 300M
Reagent cost per reaction of (USD): USD 1.0 / 900Bp
Average base interpretation error rate: 0.001%
[Chen Yuxue Gene] focuses on the latest information on genomics and clinical genetic diagnosis.
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