Comprehensive Interpretation: Five Trends in Global Digital Healthcare in 2017
Today, the development and application of digital medical technology has made people more and more convinced that it will change the status quo and future of the medical industry . Smartphones enable healthcare providers to interact with patients around the clock, as well as enable patients to access and share their health data, helping to track and personalize healthcare. Technologies such as genomics, analytics, artificial intelligence, and deep learning have entered this emerging field. Although according to data released by Rock Health, the amount of investment in digital medical treatment is slightly lower than last year, the interest of venture capital in this field is still very large: in 2016, the investment in digital medical care still reached as high as 4.2 billion US dollars. The content of digital healthcare is very diverse, ranging from consumer-oriented general health applications to advanced clinical solutions that typically require FDA approval. The author's AMV company is more concerned with digital solutions for clinical care; since 2003, it has invested in dozens of startups in related fields. The healthcare market is huge, with annual sales in the US exceeding $3.2 trillion in 2015. Because the Obama administration implementation of the "Affordable Care Act" and "Economic and Clinical Health Information Technology Act (HITECH Act)" and other medical industry there have been significant regulatory changes in the past seven years. The Trump administration will also launch a series of legal and regulatory reforms after it takes office. Observers generally believe that the medical industry will undergo further major changes. However, even if the regulatory environment continues to change, the digitalization of the healthcare industry and the dramatic shift to value-based healthcare will not be affected. The next wave of technological innovations is on the rise, with technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) shifting from consumer and commercial use to healthcare applications. As the digital healthcare industry enters the second wave of innovation, the following five trends will be the areas of greatest concern to entrepreneurs. Trend 1: Digital intervention There is a wave of health applications on the market that seek to improve patients in a clinically provable way. These digital interventions use a variety of health, behavioral, and contextual data such as glucose levels, sleep, weight, food, activity, time, and weather to improve the patient's treatment plan. Companies in this field have targeted Omada Health, Type 2 Diabetes Management, Pear Therapeutics, and Propeller Health. WellDoc's digital interventions require FDA approval to be available, and these applications have convincing clinical benefits that improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. As a result, many digital interventions have begun to receive payments from insurance companies. Pharmaceutical companies are also interested in combining digital interventions with the drugs they produce to improve prognosis, product segmentation, and direct patient contact. For example, Proteus Digital Health has created an FDA-approved sensor that can be embedded in a pill to track patient compliance. Currently, the company is working with Otsuka Pharmaceuticals to develop a bundled solution for treating bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Insect net greenhouse also known as plant and vegetables greenhouse net. Used for prevent the insect fly into the greenhouse during the plant growing, and cover the plants. Key off the approaches that the pests (adult insect) breeding. Effective control of the spread of all kinds of harmful pests spread, such as Cabbage caterpillar, diamondback moth, aphids, flea beetles, Sweet agnates, American leaf miner, literal etc and prevent the harmful of virus spread. Significantly reduced the use of chemical pesticides, so that the planting vegetables good-quality and health. Greenhouse Insect Net,Insect Mesh Netting,Insect Mesh JIANGSU SKYPLAN GREENHOUSE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD ,