Dairy cow summer pipe grasp five points
In summer, the temperature is high and the weather is hot. Cows are prone to heat stress. Feeding green and juicy feed: The right amount of high quality grass, carrots, wax gourds, watermelons, potatoes, etc., is good for improving milk production and milk fat percentage. Concentrated feed can be fed with some good feeds such as bran and soybean meal. Feeding congee: Convert some of the cow's concentrate to congee. 1.5 kg of concentrate feed and 1.5-2.5 kg of carrots are added to the boiled water to form a porridge. Cooling and pouring on silage will increase urine output and remove more calories. Feeding mung bean soup: mung bean soup has the effect of clearing away heat, detoxifying, and preventing sunstroke. Conditional farms (households) should give cows green bean soup in the summer. Use fresh green beans 1-1.5 kilograms, add 4-5 kilograms of water, boil for 1-2 hours, add clean drinking water, and drink once a day. Supplemental Potassium Chloride: When cows are subjected to heat stress, the amount of potassium excretion is significantly increased, resulting in lower levels of potassium in the blood and potassium must be added. Potassium chloride can generally be added to cows drinking water or to diets at 60-80 grams per cow per day. Supplementing sodium bicarbonate: Supplementing sodium bicarbonate helps to maintain acid-base balance in dairy cows, and it also helps digestion, which can increase the intake of dairy cows. The amount of sodium bicarbonate is generally 3.84% of the concentrate, or 340 grams per cow per day. SHANDONG JOIN & SHARE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD , https://www.joinsharemushroom.com