High-yielding cultivation of autumn cucumber seedlings
Rare Bird Feed,5Kg Rare Bird Feed,10Kg Rare Bird Feed,15Kg Rare Bird Feed Fenxi Kangruilai Biotechnology Co., Ltd. , https://www.kangruilai-petfeed.com
Selected varieties used Jinchun 5, Jinchun 4, Jinyou 1 and other varieties.
Seedlings for seedlings need 70-hole plastic plug trays of 60 to 70 sheets per mu, and 100 to 120 kg of substrate for raising seedlings and 125 grams of cucumber seeds. The seeds are sown from late July to early August, and the seedling age is 13 to 15 days. Add 30 to 40 kg of water per mu of Daejeon nursery substrate and mix it evenly. After soaking the matrix in the hole of the plug, sow 1 seed per hole and cover the seeds with the substrate after sowing. In the greenhouse, a layer of plastic film is laid on the seedbed, and the plug of the sowing seed is discharged into a double plate arrangement. After lining up the plug, spray 30% of the seedling enemy 1000 times liquid, spray through the matrix, and then over the plug tray covered arch plastic film and shade net. When the matrix is ​​white, make up for water in time. With 75% chlorothalonil 600 to 800 times liquid plus 10% imidacloprid 1500 times spray to prevent seedling pests and diseases.
5 to 7 days before planting and colonization, 2000 to 2500 kg of organic fertilizer per hectare of base, 30 to 40 kg of 45% of three-component compound fertilizer, and ploughing to prepare a 1.2-meter-wide crucible. 72% dole per acre 80 ~ 100 ml, add water 30 ~ 40 kg uniform spray weeding on the surface. Select sunny afternoon or cloudy day planting, plant 2 rows per row, spacing 60-70 cm, spacing 27-30 cm.
After the management of fertilizer and water easing, the combination of watering and dehydration of 500 to 750 kilograms of water per acre. After fertilization, 10 to 15 cm long seedlings were transplanted to the roots and sparse manure water and water were applied. After every 10 to 15 days, fertilize once, apply urea 8 to 10 kg per mu.
Rationalized melon seedlings were sprayed with 100 mg/l ethephon solution once at the leaf stage and the third leaf stage to promote female flower differentiation.
The plants adjusted the melon seedlings in a timely manner after the 6-leaf stage, followed by binding the vines to remove the tendrils, removing the lateral vines below the root melon, and leaving 1 melon and 1 leaf topping on the upper middle side of the vine. When the plants have 23 to 25 leaves, they can pick them up or put them on their hands. Most of the yellow leaves and old leaves are removed during the middle and later stages of the melon to facilitate ventilation.
Prevention and control of diseases and diseases The autumn cucumbers are prone to epidemics and downy mildew, and are treated with 72% metalaxyl MnZn 600 times or DuPont Kelu 600-800 times. In the case of persistent high-temperature and dry weather, timely inspection and control of Bemisia tabaci, aphids, and melons, spraying with 70% imidacloprid 5000 times to control aphids and whiteflies, and using 10% dilute 1500 times liquid spray to control melon. Drugs were stopped 7 days before listing.
Harvested cucumbers were listed on the market one month after the harvest. Root melons can be picked when they are 20 cm long.