Introduction of Jinhuang mango and its cultivation points
Peeled Onions,Fresh Peeled Onions,Peeled Fresh Red Onion,Fresh Yellow Onion Peeled Yirun Agricultural Cooperative ,
1 Site conditions Meizhou is located in the eastern mountainous area of ​​Guangdong Province, with annual rainfall of 1800mm, annual average temperature of 21.0°C, annual sunshine hours of 2031 hours, and extreme minimum temperature of -2.6°C. The planting area is hillside, sandy soil, soil thin, pH 4.5, organic matter 1.65%, total nitrogen 0.083mg/kg, hydrolysis nitrogen 112.0mg/kg, phosphorus pentoxide 0.5mg/100g soil.
2 main features
2.1 Growth habits of roots and shoots Jin Huang?x fruit is a deep-rooted fruit tree, the main root is particularly developed and thick, with fewer lateral roots and sparse and slender. There are three peak growth periods in the root system each year: the first time from December, that is, before the spring shoot germination, it reaches the peak in February; after the spring shoot is mature and before the summer shoot germination, the second peak occurs in the root system. The roots grew in the largest number and grew vigorously; after the summer shoots were matured until the autumn shoots germinated, they were the third peak of the root system. Plant growth potential, strong branches. The juvenile tree can be sucked 4 to 6 times a year. By July 30, 2003, the average tree was up to 302cm, the crown width (east-south-north-south) was 321cm326cm, and the last stage shoot was 853. The diameter of the trunk at 3cm above the grafted interface was 10.56. Cm. Branches are erect and distributed evenly. The crowns are compact and dense, with large, dark green leaves.
2.2 Flowering Habits Jinhuangxie fruit can produce a small amount of fruit in the second year after planting, and almost all flowering results in the third year. November-December, when the shoot is mature, it is the flower bud differentiation period. From mid-February to early March, flower spikes are picked up, in mid-and late March, full bloom, and in mid-April, they are flowers. Flowers are panicles, most of which are top-born, and occasionally have twins but are not easy to produce. In winter when the temperature is low and the weather is dry, the flower buds are well-differentiated, often with no leaf inflorescence, and the fruiting rate is high. In winter, when the temperature is high and the rain is long, the flower buds are poorly differentiated, often with leafy inflorescences, and the fruiting rate is low. The period from late April to early May is the physiological fruit drop period, and from May to early June is the period of rapid fruit enlargement, and it matures in the middle to late July. The fruit is big, like a bud. The average fruit weight was 900g, the maximum fruit weight was 1750g, the soluble solids content was 15.5%, and the edible rate was 75.7%.
2.3 High Productivity and Economic Benefits In 2002, the output was 3,750kg, the output value was approximately 26,000 yuan, the highest strain production was 66kg, the average strain yield was 10.1kg, the average output was 253.4kg/667 square meters; in 2003 the output was 5650kg, and the output value was approximately 42,000 yuan. The highest strain yields up to 68kg, the average strain yield is 15.3kg, and the average yield is 381.8kg/667 square meters.
2.4 Adaptability and Stress Resistance Jin Huang?x fruit does not require strict soil, and it shows coarse growth, long growth, early growth, and high yield performance in planting areas. However, it was not frost-tolerant. From 21 to 26 of January 1999, Meizhou City experienced 31 years of rare low-temperature, frost-free weather, long frost damage, large temperature drop (temperature difference of 15°C), and low extreme temperature (-2.6°C). After freezing, it was observed that Jinhuangx fruit was frozen to varying degrees. The fruit trees with weaker growth, when the wind slopes and the low-lying lands were frozen to death, and the last 2 to 3 levels of the fruit trees with good growth, robust growth, and high lee surface and topography were frozen. The roots are deeply rooted and have strong drought resistance. However, if the water supply is uneven during the fruit growth period, it can easily cause cracking. Jinhuangx fruit requires sufficient light. According to observations, where light is insufficient, poor flower bud differentiation, fruiting rate is low, fruit color is uneven, and quality is poor.
3 main cultivation techniques
3.1 The planting of Jinhuangxue fruit does not require strict soil, but due to the acidity and thin soil in the planting area, serious water and soil loss, and poor water and fertilizer retention, it is necessary to dig large holes and apply basic fertilizer. Open the orchard planting belt according to the contour lines, dig the planting trenches with a depth of 80cm and a width of 60-80cm in the middle, and determine the planting points according to the plant spacing of 5m. Each planting hole is divided into 3 to 4 layers with 25kg of straw, and a layer of grass is covered with mud. , The top layer of peanut bran 1.0kg, superphosphate 0.5kg, decomposed chicken manure 15kg and the soil fully mixed evenly, the upper layer of lime 1.0kg and covered with fine soil, made out of the car surface 20cm mound preparation. Jin Huang?x fruit less lateral roots, roots more crisp and tender, the best choice for seedlings with nutrient soil, when planting with a film wrapped around the stem, to reduce the loss of water, planting rooting water, to ensure survival. Because of the fear of frost, the spring plant (3 to 5 months) is appropriate.
3.2 Fertilizer and Water Management According to different tree ages and tree vigor, fertilize scientifically and prevent drought. The young tree is dominated by nitrogen, and it is applied thinly with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Fertilizer once every 15 days once, with urea 0.05 ~ 0.15kg or compound fertilizer 0.05 ~ 0.15kg plus diluted faecal water application. The resulting tree is generally fertilized in four periods. The first is flowering fertilizer, which promotes the inflorescence to be neat and robust. In late January, each plant applies urea 0.15-0.25kg + compound fertilizer 0.25-0.5kg + decomposed and diluted faecal water to open the bar-shaped ditch under the canopy dripping line; the second is strong flower fertilizer. From mid-February to early April, it is the flowering stage of buds. Fertilizer is mainly composed of phosphate fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer. Each plant applies calcium superphosphate 0.25kg + urea 0.25kg + diluted dung water. The third is strong fruit fertilizer, from May to mid-June. It is the period of fruit enlargement. If nutrient deficiency leads to fruit drop or fruit development, timely fertilizer should be applied according to tree vigor and the amount of results. Each plant applies 0.4 kg of compound fertilizer + 0.15 kg of potassium sulfate + 0.15 kg of superphosphate and light diluted manure water; In order to quickly recover the tree vigor after harvesting fruit, and cultivate strong autumn shoots, and lay the foundation for continuing high yields in the following year, organic fertilizers should be used as the mainstay, combined with quick-acting fertilizers, and each plant should be treated with compound fertilizer 0.5kg + feces water. In addition, autumn and winter combined with deep turning to improve the soil, each plant with livestock manure or bean bran 10kg, superphosphate 0.5kg, potassium sulfate 0.25kg, quicklime 1.0kg and mud mixed and buried.
3.3 Pruning and pruning juvenile tree shaping, after the planting, carry out topping at 50~60cm in the main trunk to promote branching, and cultivate 3 to 4 sticks with thick growth and even distribution, and when the length of the main branch reaches 30-40 cm, pick up the heart, prompting The second branch, leaving 3 ~ 4 branches, and so on, so that the rapid formation of the crown. The results of tree pruning, carried out after fruit picking, cut off the dense canopy in the canopy, overlapping branches, cross branches, aging branches and pests and branches, so that the crown can be air and light, accumulated nutrients, and cultivate good results of the mother.
3.4 Thinning and Thinning Fruits Jinhuangxu has a large amount of flowers, complex flowers, and low fruiting rate under natural growth. The method of topping should be adopted to improve the fruiting rate. The method was to cut 1/3 of the inflorescence after dew had dried on sunny morning after the formation of inflorescence. When the small fruit grows to a large thumb, the deformed fruit is removed and excess fruit is removed. Only one robust fruit is left in each inflorescence. Root spray 2,4-D5mg/L + auxin 500 times liquid.
3.5 Diseases and pests control and damage Jinhuangxue pests and diseases mainly include: scale insects, borers, xx fruit moths, leaf curlers, anthrax, æžœx fruit spot disease and Phytophthora capsici. On the basis of strengthening the management of fertilizer and water and enhancing the ability of the tree to resist pests and diseases, combined with the winter clearing of the garden, do a good job of winter defense work. Drug control: pests can be used 90% trichlorfon crystal 800 times, 24% Wan Ling agent 1000 times, 40% speed cull EC 1000 times, 73% chlorite EC 1500 times and other control; Disease can be used 50 % carbendazim WP 800 times, 80% Dasheng-M45 WP 1000 times, 70% thiophanate WP 1000 times, etc. In addition, the use of Shengda brand? X fruit special medicinal bag fruit bagging can effectively prevent pests and diseases, reduce the use of pesticides, reduce production costs, improve the appearance of quality, does not affect the accumulation of sugar. Bagging should not be too early or too late. It is usually appropriate to bag in the middle or late May.
3.6 Harvesting Jinhuangx Fruit is soft and tender, and should be harvested in due course. Harvesting is too early to show the inherent flavour of the variety; if harvesting is too late, it will increase the pre-harvest fruit drop, resulting in declining tree vigor and unsuccessful autumn shoots, affecting the flowering results of the following year. When the fruit color changes from green to yellow green when harvested. When harvesting, cut the entire ear together with a fruit clip, and then cut the fruit 2 cm away from the fruit pedicle. In order to prevent the fruit milk from flowing out of the contaminated fruit surface, the harvested fruit should be poured upside-down, soaked with ethephon 5mg/L for 1 to 2 minutes, and dried on the ground to dry and then packed.