The main points of feeding and management techniques for the waterfowl during the lactation period
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1 Feeding during lactation
1.1 Dietary Requirements Requirement The dietary nutrition during this period must still be maintained at the gestational level, and as much as possible, animal feeds should not be changed much. In order to promote mother's lactation, it is necessary to increase the nutritional value of protein feed such as cow's milk and eggs, and to increase the fat content appropriately. In the rations, high-quality animal feed such as fish, meat, liver, eggs, and milk should account for more than 80%. In addition, each day should also be fed cod liver oil 1 ~ 1.5g, yeast 5-8g, bone meal 1g, salt 0.7g, vitamin C 20-30mg. The total diet should reach 300g or more, and its protein content should reach 30-40g.
1.2 The feeding system is best fed 3 times a day. The feed pellets should be small, and the consistency should be small, so that the mother quail can only hold the feed larvae. When feeding, the amount of feed should be reasonably allocated according to the birth and birth of their mothers and the number of beasts of the beasts. It should not be treated equally. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that there is sufficient drinking water, which is especially important for mothers with large amounts of lactation.
1.3 After 3 weeks of supplementation, the amount of milk produced by the mother quail can no longer fully meet the growth and development needs of larvae. At this time, the larvae can gradually feed on some solid feed. Therefore, Aberdeen must be fed from the 3rd week of age and can be fed with a small amount of fish, meat, liver, egg yolk, a little cod liver oil, and yeast. Do not feed too much at the beginning to prevent the baby from breastfeeding and causing false mastitis. With the growth and development of Aberdeen can gradually increase the amount of feed.
2 Management and technical points of litter and lactation
2.1 Raising the survival rate of Aberdeen offspring The growth and development of Aberdeen have their own characteristics. Newborn general weight 8-12g, body length 6-8cm, closed eyes, no teeth. The body surface is grayish red, with sparse gray short hair, and the skin on the back of the neck is thick and wrinkled. Grey mink body surface is grayish red and light brown blisters are shallower than the standard. Did not eat clean milk before the nose, after eating colostrum black nose. The umbilical cord fell off after 2-3d. The claws are not sharp or hard. Feces are small strips, black and yellow or yellow-green, and they are eaten by their mothers. At the age of 5 days, the coat became darker, the claws became slightly harder, and the ear holes were not revealed. The dark brown pheasant weighed about 25 g and had a body length of about 9.1 cm. At the age of 10 days, the coat color became darker, the upper neck had more wrinkles, and the coat was about 2 mm long. The tentacles are about 25mm long, the claws become hard, the nipples are visible in the abdomen of the mother's beak, and the testes do not have obvious testicles. The dark brown body weight is about 46g, and the body length is about 11.5cm. At the age of 15 days, the coat is about 4mm long and the antennae are about 7mm long. There are black pimple on the nose, micro-onset gingiva, male penis can touch the penis, dark brown weighed about 73g, body length of about 14cm; 20 days of age, the coat length 6-7mm, a small number of long teeth, larvae, mother The genital area of ​​the genital area is obviously 4-5mm, the dark brown larvae weigh about 100g, and the body length is about 16cm. At 25 days of age, dogs and cavities grow, some incisors grow, and they have access to food. Individuals are strong. Has been blinking, claw sharp and hard, weighing about 140g, body length of about 18cm; 30 days old pimple, part of ebony blink, close to the canine teeth of a pair of incisors exposed, weighing about 174g, body length of about 19cm; 35 days of age, all Tsai blinked, but not blinking, male testicles were oval, visible, most of them ran out of their own feed, weighing about 218g, body length About 20cm; 40 days of age, the hair began to grow, the needle hair has been clear, the lower door teeth also began to grow, weighing about 295g, body length of about 23cm. Because the growth and development of Aberdeen is very fast, it is necessary to ensure the nutritional needs of the animals. The regulatory function of breast-feeding Aberdeen is not well-developed in all aspects, and its external environmental adaptability is still weak, its resistance is low, and it is easy to die. It has been observed that the general mortality rate during lactation is 10% to 20%. Among them, the mortality rate in the first 5 days accounted for 70% of the total lactation mortality rate. Therefore, strengthening the meticulous care of Aberdeen is the key to improving the reproduction rate of Minamata.