Johnson & Johnson 2016 first half earnings: medical device sales showed a downward trend
On the 19th, the US medical and health care company giant Johnson & Johnson announced its 2016 first-half financial report, achieving sales revenue of 35.964 billion US dollars, an increase of 2.3% over the same period of 2015. Due to the adverse pressures of pricing pressure, increased competition and market changes, medical device sales fell slightly by 0.8% to US$12.518 billion, accounting for approximately 35% of the company's total revenue. At present, Johnson & Johnson has withdrawn from certain regions, adjusted equipment sales plans, and focused on sales of some high-growth equipment. In the first half of 2016, the sales revenue of each business unit of Johnson & Johnson (unit: billion US dollars) is as follows: It can be seen that Johnson & Johnson's 2016 semi-annual growth was mainly due to prescription drugs. Johnson & Johnson's other businesses showed a downward trend in the first half of 2016. Sales of consumer health products fell 3.8% to $6.614 billion. The industry believes that the decline in the performance of the Johnson & Johnson consumer goods sector is closely related to this year's talcum powder incident. As one of the world's largest healthcare and care products companies, Johnson & Johnson's products are also associated with consumers at home and abroad for a long time, but in addition to talcum powder, Johnson & Johnson's products, including children's drugs, ibuprofen, but also Many products such as Min and Merrill have been exposed to defects. Tips, Inserts, Tip, Insert, Dental Tips, Dental Tip, Dental Inserts, Dental Insert, Scaling Tip, Scaling Tips, Scaling Insert, Scaling Insert Rolence Enterprise Inc. ,