Study finds that a new technology may help survivors of heart attacks recover

Study finds that a new technology may help survivors of heart attacks recover

February 01, 2019 Source: Ministry of Science and Technology

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Researchers in the United States said on the online edition of the November 28, 2018 issue of Science Progress that they have invented a new piece of cloth, each of which is a film that exudes a mass of molecules to cure a heart attack. When damaged tissue. In experiments with rats and pigs, these panels help reduce scarring and maintain the ability of the heart to pump blood. Such technology can one day curb the risk of heart failure in heart attack survivors.

Generally speaking, 1 week or even half a year after the onset of acute myocardial infarction, it is a very high risk for patients. Because the heart can cause necrosis of heart tissue after ischemia, complications such as papillary muscle dysfunction or rupture, heart rupture, and ventricular wall swelling tumor may occur after the attack, resulting in death of the patient.

Researchers at the technology said that the base of each of the heart-repairing films they invented was a polymer sheet with tiny needles-like other micro-needle patches that were used to attach the patient's heart. The polymer surface coated gel opposite the microneedle array contains heart stromal cells. These cell secreting molecules, such as proteins and tiny genetic material called microRNAs, support the growth of cardiomyocytes. Cheng's team tested the effects of microneedle patches on healthy tissue growth and the reduction of scar formation in rats. Three weeks after the researchers induced a heart attack in rats, animals with microneedle patches had approximately 40% healthy tissue in the heart area affected by heart attack, while untreated rats had only about 10 %.

Before these microneedle patches were used to treat humans, Cheng's team planned to replace the polymers used in this study with substances that gradually dissolved in the body. This new approach provides a potential new approach to improving survival without a thoracotomy after myocardial infarction.

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