The amputee places the medical arm and regains the hand touch
Last month, Medgadget reported a study of amputated patients—the amputee felt the presence of a finger through a mechanical arm with a pressure sensor. In the process, the researchers performed a transplant of the relevant tissue in the somatosensory cortex in the volunteer's brain. A few days ago, researchers from the University of Chicago and Case Western Reserve University formed a research team that allowed two amputees to feel the touch on their cut hands. Unlike the studies mentioned above, this study relies on the activity of the median, ulnar, and sacral nerves of the arm, and such activity does not occur directly in the brain. During the experiment, Case Western Reserve University and the University of Chicago researchers and two volunteers worked together to program the signal coding of the hands of ordinary people, and then tried different stimulation frequencies and signal widths. Through a combination of different experimental settings, the researchers finally learned how to make the touch more natural. At the same time, they also have a better understanding of the programming language that the body uses to make signals for the nervous system, which allows them to have advanced touches for future repaired devices. Electrical stimuli received by external stimuli (upper left corner) are transmitted through transcutaneous leads to FINEs placed in the median, ulnar, and sacral nerves of the upper extremity amputee (bottom left). Each electrode joint produces a tactile sensation in a small portion of the hand that the amputee has lost. Let's take a look at a summary of the research team's paper published in Science Translational Medicine: We found that the effects of stimulation pulse width and pulse frequency on the perceived tactile intensity of humans are systematic and synergistic. Artificial tactile sensation allows amputees to produce the illusion of a touch dent on their intact arm skin. We found an order of magnitude from the stimulus parameters, which we named the activation rate (ACR), which predicts the magnitude of artificial tactile sensation under all experimental conditions. In the basis of the use of nerve fibers, ACR represents a population peak count in activated nerve cells. Our study hypothesized that peak counts would increase the level of tactile sensation and demonstrate that this hypothesis is true; at the same time, our study also found that the magnitude of induction can be systematically utilized in a single stimulus.
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