The function and effect of banana
Banana chips are processed from natural bananas, and do not add any additives or preservatives. They are all natural foods and can be eaten by anyone. Banana slices contain less fat and less calories, so it's not easy to get fat when you eat more, and the taste is good, sweet and crispy. What are the benefits of eating banana slices? The suitable crowd for bananas: 1. Children who are suitable for weight loss, low immunity, memory loss, anemia, edema and other symptoms, stagnation and growth. 2, suitable for high blood sugar, diabetic patients. Therapeutic efficacy: Banana chips are made from bananas. The benefits of eating banana chips can be started from bananas. 1, eat bananas can prevent or treat high blood pressure Banana slices contain a lot of protein and minerals, regular food can play a role in maintaining the Balance of sodium and potassium in the body, diuretic swelling and regulate blood pressure 2, banana contains trace elements boron When you are tired, eating bananas can quickly restore your strength. At the same time, bananas contain 5-hydroxytryptamine, a chemical that can prevent stomach ulcers. Therefore, it can relieve gastric acid irritation to gastric mucosa and it is an ideal diet for stomach patients. 3, eat bananas can control blood pressure It is believed that potassium in bananas has the effect of lowering blood pressure and protecting the inner wall of arteries, and contains a large number of compounds such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, which have the effect of controlling blood pressure. 4, eat bananas can ease depressed Bananas contain substances that can help human brains produce serotonin, which can make people feel good, relieve pain and depression. Bananas also have slippery and antidiarrheal effects. 5, increase immunity, prevent cancer The protein in bananas can stimulate the differentiation of T cells, enhance the body's anti-cancer immunity, and it will be directly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, unlike other proteins will be broken down, so it is more anti-cancer effect. 6, bananas can prevent and relieve constipation Bananas contain many fibers that stimulate gastrointestinal motility, increase fecal volume, and help defecation. Chinese medicine reminds fasting not to eat bananas. 7, eat bananas before meals can lose weight The banana chips contain a large amount of dietary fiber, which is easy to produce satiety after eating, and can promote gastrointestinal motility and promote metabolism. Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analyzer,Automatic Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analyzer,Kjeldahl Protein Analyzer,Multi-Protection Function Analyzer Guangdong Widinlsa International Co.Ltd ,