The nature and role of glycosides

As early as in the Western Han Dynasty, Chinese herbal medicines were added to feed to promote animal growth, weight gain and disease prevention. In recent years, research on Chinese herbal medicine feed additives has been very active. However, due to the inactivation of feed microorganisms during processing, Chinese herbal medicine additives have not yet had a truly effective natural product due to complex composition and unstable effects, and their disease resistance and growth promotion effect is superior to that of antibiotic feed additives. Used in the feed industry.

Zhejiang University Bioactive Substance Research and Development Center, after years of research on natural product chemistry and life sciences, reviewed the research progress of natural product structure and biological activity in recent years, fully analyzed and studied the rich but not fully utilized in China. The plant oil cake resources, and the extraction of its active ingredients, the development of glycosides as a substitute for antibiotics as feed additives research has achieved gratifying results.

1 Physicochemical properties of glycosides

Glucosin is a natural biologically active substance composed of sugars, glycosides and organic acids. It is a brownish yellow, ashless fine crystal. It is insoluble in ether, chloroform, acetone, benzene, petroleum ether and other solvents, soluble in warm water, carbon disulfide, ethyl acetate, soluble in aqueous methanol, aqueous ethanol, n-butanol and glacial acetic acid. The glycosides react chemically with acetic anhydride, ammonium molybdate, ferric chloride and vanillin.

2 Biological activity and pharmacological effects of glycosides

2.1 Glycoside significantly enhances the neuroendocrine immune function and disease resistance and anti-stress effects of animals. The results showed that glycosides not only can effectively improve the immune function of normal animals and improve the immune function of the affected chickens, but also have significant effects on regulating neuroimmunity and antiviral function.

Glycoside significantly increased lymphocyte transformation rate, interleukin-2 activity, lgG content, ACTH and erythrocyte C3b receptor rosette rate; it has anti-stress, anti-mutagenic and anti-pathogenic microorganisms.

The results showed that the broiler chickens grew in normal brooding environment from 1 to 21 days old, and the production performance of glycosides was slightly better or similar to that of the antibiotic group. The results were consistent with the results of other feeding experiments of glycosides.

Broilers were grown in a moderately stressed environment at 22 to 42 days of age. The composition of the glycosides group 1 and the glycosides group 2 increased by 3.2% and 4.2%, respectively. It indicates that glycosides have strong anti-stress effect, and the concentration is high.

2.2 glycosides have obvious functions of scavenging free radicals and antioxidants. The free radical scavenging efficiency of glycosides increased with increasing concentration. The scavenging rate of glycosides to O-2 was 94.40% and the clearance rate of -OH was 92.74%.

Glycoside significantly reduces the acid value and peroxide value of the feed, and has significant antioxidant effects on VA and crude fat in the feed.

2.3 Glucosin has a significant regulation of cAMP/cGMP system function, promoting protein synthesis and digestive enzyme activity. Glycoside significantly increased cAMP and cGMP levels in broilers under normal conditions, with a cAMP/cGMP ratio of 15.46; cAMP content decreased by 278.43% after bursal infection, and λ was 0.437.

Glycoside significantly increased serum total protein content and intestinal digestive enzyme activity.

3 Toxic acid feed additive toxicity test

3.1 Acute toxicity mice LD50=2378.48 mg/kg, rat LD50=3921.93mg/kg.

3.2 The cumulative K value of the mouse is 6.6373, which is a weak accumulation of poison.

3.3 Mutagenicity test The mice were negative for micronucleus, sperm aberration and Ames test.

3.4 Teratogenic test Subchronic test proved to be non-teratogenic.

Toxicological tests have shown that glycosides are safe to use.

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