What are the common diseases of crops? How to use medicine?

The common diseases of crops include frosty diseases, mucormycosis diseases, spotted diseases, etc. These common diseases are not difficult to use. In order to facilitate the search for learning, Xiaobian classifies the common diseases of crops and their medication methods as follows, for the reference of the majority of growers!

Frost disease

Main symptoms: downy mildew, late blight, white rust, Phytophthora root rot, etc.

Biological prevention: Pythium oligocarpa / Trichoderma / Bacillus licheniformis / berberine + sodium alginate

Chemoprevention: Mancozeb / chlorothalonil + polymycin / Wuyin + humic acid / brown sugar

Initial formula: nail cream manganese zinc / dipropionamide / enoyl manganese zinc / cream urea manganese zinc / cream mildew hydrochloride / + allicin + polymycin / Wuyin + humic acid / brown sugar

Medium-term formula: Fluorescent fungus (silver) / pyraclostrobin / ketone cream urinary nitrile (inactivated net) / propionamide cream (Pulke) + chlorobromoisocyanuric acid + polymycin /wuyinmycin+humic acid/brown sugar

Suitable for crops: leafy vegetables, solanaceous fruits, melons, beans, onions and garlic; if the disease occurs, the level is increased by one level, and the speed of prevention is fast.

Tomato tendon rot prevention: Take the enemy stable (sputum tebuconazole) + humic acid / brown sugar

Tomato rot disease treatment: Yinfa Li (Fluoric Fungus Mildew) + Suppressing Clean (Veulone Cream Urea) + Humic Acid / Brown Sugar


Mucor disease

Main symptoms: gray mold, leaf mold, sclerotinia, etc.

Biological prevention: Trichoderma / berberine / catechin + sodium alginate

Chemoprevention: Mancozeb / chlorothalonil + polymycin / Wuyin + humic acid / brown sugar

Initial formula: iprodione / pyrimethanil / procymidone + phenidazole + allicin / chlorobromo isocyanuric acid + polymycin / wuximycin + humic acid / brown sugar

Mid-term formula: niacinamide / cyprodinil + phenidazole + allicin / chlorobromoisocyanuric acid + polymycin / wuximycin + humic acid / brown sugar

Foliar formula: benzimilerazole + polymycin + allicin + humic acid / brown sugar

Coal mold formula: Iprodione + phenidazole + allicin

Suitable for crops: leafy vegetables, solanaceous fruits, melons, beans, onions and garlic

Spotted disease

Main symptoms: brown spot, anthracnose, black spot, leaf spot, early blight, etc.

Preventive formula: Polymycin/Wuyin + sodium alginate

Therapeutic formula: azole drugs + allicin + polymycin / Wuyin + humic acid / brown sugar

Prevention of ecchymosis formula: mancozeb/carbendazim/methodazole/chlorothalonil + sodium alginate

Treatment of ecchymosis: triazoles (benzimidazole, propiconazole, flusilazole, tebuconazole) / imidazoles (prochloraz, fluconazole) / methoxy acrylates (ether bacteria) Ester, pyraclostrobin) / diimide (isourea) + chunleimycin + allicin + humic acid / brown sugar

Suitable for crops: leafy vegetables, solanaceous fruits, melons, beans, onions and garlic (Note: the amount of azoles used in melons and beans is reduced by half, and the solanes are used with caution before flowering and sitting.)

Powder rust

Main symptoms: powdery mildew, rust, etc.

Preventive formula: Polymycin/Wuyin + sodium alginate

Therapeutic formula: azole drug / acetonitrile / enestrobin + allicin + humic acid / brown sugar + silicon fertilizer

Suitable for crops: leafy vegetables, solanaceous fruits, melons, beans, onions and garlic (Note: the amount of azoles used in melons and beans is reduced by half, and the solanes are used with caution before flowering and sitting.)


Root wilt disease

1 Verticillium wilt

Preventive formula: horseradish / copper acetate / copper sulfate + humic acid + EM / CM (trichoderma harzian)

Therapeutic formula: carbendazim / nail cream, carbendazim + jinggangmycin / pyrimidine nucleoside / polymycin + rooting peptide + EM / CM

2 bacterial wilt

Preventive formula: horseradish / copper acetate / copper sulfate + humic acid + EM / CM

Therapeutic formula: streptomycin sulfate / neutrophin / killable / thiabium copper + rooting peptide + EM / CM

3 Phytophthora root rot

Preventive formula: horseradish / copper acetate / copper sulfate + humic acid + EM / CM

Therapeutic formula: arsenic manganese zinc (anti-virus cockroach, good effect on downy mildew, rot, white rust fungus) / propionamide creamy mildew (Pullik) + carbendazim + nail support + rooting peptide + EM / CM

4 stem rot

Preventive formula: horseradish / copper acetate / copper sulfate + humic acid + EM / CM

Therapeutic formula: methyl thiophanate + oxacillin + pyrimidine nucleoside / polymycin + EM / CM

5 sclerotinia

Preventive formula: copper acetate / copper sulfate + humic acid + EM / CM

Therapeutic formula: iprodione / pyrimethanil / procymidone / sclerotium net + allicin + polymycin

6 blight

Preventive formula: carbendazim / propyl zinc + amino oligosaccharide

Therapeutic formula: Jiatuo + Fumeishuang + Iprodione/benzimidazole + Mimiamide

7 dying

Preventive formula: horseradish / carbendazim / propyl zinc + EM / CM

Therapeutic formula: methyl thiophanate + carbendazim + nail cream manganese zinc / eclipse manganese zinc + Trichoderma harzianum

8 knot nematode diseases

Control formula: avermectin / poison. Xin / Fuqi + chitin + rooting peptide

Suitable for crops: Solanum, melon, beans

Growth point atrophy

1 virus disease (in high temperature, drought, pest stage, soil Zn deficiency)

Preventive formula: oligosaccharide / nymidine / humic acid / white sugar + zinc copper silicon molybdenum nutrition

Initial formula: morpholinium hydrochloride / 胍 胍 copper acetate / octosamine acetate + chlorobromoisocyanuric acid + humic acid / white sugar + zinc copper silicon molybdenum nutrition

2 boron deficiency (growth point atrophy, vein buckling, empty stalk)

Therapeutic formula: humic acid + boron fertilizer + plant enzyme activator

3 calcium deficiency (new leaves shrink, dry, dry edge)

Therapeutic formula: humic acid + calcium fertilizer + plant enzyme activator

4 phytotoxicity, especially 2,4-D phytotoxicity and triazole phytotoxicity (leaf stalk shrinkage)

Initial formula: first spray with a large amount of water, then spray humic acid + plant enzyme activator

Medium-term formula: watering, fertilizing, and foliar application of humic acid + plant enzyme activator

Suitable for crops: leafy vegetables, solanaceous fruits, melons, beans, onions and garlic


Bacterial disease

Main symptoms: bacterial soft rot, bruise, scab, etc.

Bacterial disease characteristics: thin, transparent, bright, scattered, point, pus

Preventive formula: neutrophin + sodium alginate + Ca fertilizer

Therapeutic formula: thiabium copper / streptomycin sulfate / neo-phytomycin / killable / leaf azole + chlorobromoisocyanuric acid / allicin + humic acid / brown sugar + Ca fertilizer

Suitable for crops: leafy vegetables, solanaceous fruits, melons, beans

Viral disease

Main symptoms: yellowing, fern leaves, streaks, etc.

Preventive formula: oligosaccharide / nymidine / humic acid / white sugar + zinc copper silicon molybdenum nutrition

Initial formula: morpholinium hydrochloride / 胍 胍 copper acetate / octosamine acetate + chlorobromoisocyanuric acid + humic acid / white sugar + zinc copper silicon molybdenum nutrition

Suitable for crops: Solanum, melon

Physiological disease

Main symptoms: low temperature freezing, high temperature injury, deficiency, etc.

Control formula: Bi-protection + humic acid / brown sugar (spraying) + microbial fertilizer (root) If it is a deficiency, the above formula + lack of nutrients.

Suitable for crops: all crops

Vegetable adversity

Main conditions: wind, rain, etc.

Preventive formula: Iprodione + chlorothalonil / carbendazim + thiabium copper + Biprotect + humic acid / brown sugar

Suitable for crops: all crops

With this article, farmers friends no longer have to worry about not knowing how to use drugs!

Pain Relief Patch For Neck Shoulder,Lower Back And Leg

Pain Relief Patch for neck shoulder, lower back and leg.
[Name] Medical Cold Patch
[Package Dimension] 10cm×12cm 2pieces/box
The pain relief patch is composed of three layers, namely, backing lining, middle gel and protective film. It is free from pharmacological, immunological or metabolic ingredients.
[Scope of Application] For cold physiotherapy, closed soft tissue only.
The patches give fast acting pain relief for strains, sprains, cramp, bruises, swollen areas or joint stiffness.
[How To Use a Patch]
Tear off the packaging bag and remove the patch. Remove the protective film and apply the patch on the skin. One piece, one time. The curing effect of each piece can last for 8-12 hours.
Do not apply the patch on the problematic skin, such as wounds, eczema, dermatitis,or in the eyes. People allergic to herbs and the pregnant are advised not to use the medication. If swelling or irritation occurs, please stop using and if any of these effects persist or worsen.notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Children using the patch must be supervised by adults.
[Storage Conditions]
Store below 30c in a dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.

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