Winter health five colored recipes raise five dirty

In the traditional medicine of the country, there is a set of classic therapeutic theories, which are the theory of "five colors and five organs". It refers to the consumption of five colors of food, which will have a good effect on the health of human internal organs. Xiao Bian teaches you Amida people today.


1, Yang Xin: eat red food

Food categories: carrots, tomatoes, red apples, watermelon, red dates, red peppers, hawthorn, strawberries, etc.

The medical community has proven that red foods contain strong antioxidant properties that protect human cells from inflammation. In addition, the red food can provide the body with a wealth of high-quality protein and a large number of inorganic salts, vitamins and trace elements, to a certain extent, can greatly enhance the human heart and blood function.

Therefore, if you reach people and want to enhance the vitality of your heart and blood vessels, you should eat more red fruits and vegetables!

2, raise the spleen: eat yellow food

Food categories: peanuts, corn, soybeans, pumpkins, apricots, etc.

Yellow food is rich in vitamin A, vitamin D and other elements. Vitamin A can play a role in protecting the intestinal and respiratory mucosa, while reducing the incidence of gastritis, gastric ulcers and other diseases; and vitamin D can promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus elements in the body, resulting in the effect of strong bones. All kinds of high-quality protein, fat, vitamins and trace elements provided by such foods are of great benefit to the spleen and stomach of the human body.

3, Liver: Eat green food

Food categories: all green leafy vegetables and all kinds of green food

Green food has always been favored by people. It plays the role of "scavenger" and "guardian god" in human life. Eat more green food, has a good effect on liver and liver strong, especially green vegetables are rich in folic acid, it can effectively eliminate excessive homocysteine ​​in the blood, thus protecting heart health. At the same time, green food is also the best source of calcium. It is the best holy product for those who are growing and suffering from osteoporosis!

4, raise lungs: eat white food

Food categories: rice, milk, flour, chicken, fish, etc.

White food enters the lungs, Qi and gas, contains high levels of protein, regular consumption can effectively eliminate the body's fatigue and promote the recovery of the disease. At the same time, white food is a kind of nutritious food with higher safety. Its fat content is much lower than that of red food. It is a healthy and scientific way of eating! Those who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, fatty liver, etc. Eat more white food has a good effect on restoring constitution.

5, kidney: eat black food

Food categories: black sesame, black rice, kelp, seaweed, black fungus, black beans, etc.

The nutritional and health care and medicinal value of black foods are very high. Eat more black foods can make up the kidneys and reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, cerebral stroke and other diseases. It can also be used for cough, flu, kidney disease, anemia, Tracheitis, hair loss, early whiteheads and other diseases produce good results.

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