Crops need to be cold as early as possible

After the snow, some areas will gradually enter the snowy season. Whether there is a strong cooling or a blizzard, it will have an adverse effect on the growth of crops, of which the more affected crops are winter wheat, vegetables and fruit trees. So what measures should crop plants take to prevent cold?

Winter wheat. For wheat in the Yangtze River Basin and other places, rain and snow are not conducive to the emergence of wheat fields. Drainage and loose soil and diligence should be stepped up to promote root development. Under conditions of low temperature and high soil moisture, favorable rust disease spreads, and preparations for prevention and control should be made early. Soil cultivation measures, such as clearing the ditch, loosening soil, and removing the earthworms, should be used for ventilation and warming purposes. Only when the base fertilizer is not applied to the farmland that lacks nutrients, if necessary, the combination of topdressing and loose soil can be used to top-up the phosphorus and potash fertilizers, together with a little nitrogen fertilizer. The role of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is to promote the hair roots and improve the cold resistance of the crop. It is best to cover “warm ditch manure” to protect against freezing. Covering materials such as: rice bran, crushed straw, plant ash, peat and other organic fertilizers, etc. These materials can also be used for soil improvement after ploughing and ploughing into the soil.

vegetables. The winter storage cabbage is in the period of harvesting, and all the vegetable fields that control the water are damaged to a lesser extent in case of snow. Some outer leaves may be peeled into the pit when harvesting; if the fields are poured before the snow, ice and snow will come. The losses to the vegetable body will be greater, especially those Chinese cabbages that are watered ahead of time in pursuit of high yield. The body of the vegetable body contains more water, and the degree of damage is severe after the arrival of heavy snowfall. For the wintering leafy vegetables such as spinach, pakchoi, etc., after the cold rain and snow, the leaves are frozen, and measures for clearing snow, heat preservation, and cold prevention should be taken promptly. In areas where winter storage of Chinese cabbage is severely damaged, arrangements are made for the rapid production of leafy vegetables and sprouts. Ice and snow have a great impact on greenhouse vegetable production. For the management of unstuck greenhouses, the first step is to clear the snow at the top of the greenhouse and take appropriate measures for ventilation and heat preservation to prevent the production of the vegetables after the snow is overcast. The second is to control the water and control nitrogen to prevent leggy and weak seedlings such as cucumbers and tomatoes.

Fruit tree. There are two steps that can be taken into consideration. First, once the orchard is covered by heavy snow, the snow cover should be removed in time to prevent the pressure from breaking and breaking the branches. At the same time, care must be taken not to subject the tree to secondary damage. Then use straw straw to wrap up the trunk and cover the tree to keep it warm; in the nursery, cover a large area of ​​grass and film. For late-maturing orchards that have not been harvested, timely clearing of snow and thin ice on the fruit area will be carried out to prevent fruit frostbite. Second, for frozen fruit trees such as citrus trees, after the temperature rises steadily after the snow, timely trimming is appropriate. Take measures to take small wounds to pick up leaves, slashing and pruning, and injure the saw. If the branches are intact and the leaves are not covered, artificial defoliation will be performed as soon as possible; the branches and stems with obvious frostbite will be trimmed in time. Clipping should be accurately controlled and coated with wax liquid. For the frozen and dead fruit trees, they must be removed as soon as possible and new seedlings should be planted.

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