Eight dietary considerations for infants and young children

1. Newborn milk powder should not be too thick

After the birth of a newborn baby, breast milk is not yet secreted or breast milk is insufficient and can be fed with full-fat cow (sheep) milk powder, but do not make it too thick.

At present, whole milk powder or fortified milk powder contains more sodium ions. If it is not properly diluted, it can increase sodium intake, increase the burden on blood vessels, increase blood pressure, and can cause dangerous symptoms such as capillary bleeding, ventilation, and coma. Intensive milk powder also supplements the vitamins lost in processing and the easily missing elements in milk, and should be diluted to apply to newborns.

In addition, the protein in milk powder, although after high temperature solidification, is relatively more digestible than milk protein, but the newborn's poor digestion, milk powder, such as too thick, is still not good digestion, it must be diluted to replace breast milk.


2. Can't replace breast milk completely with artificial milk

The benefits of breastfeeding babies are very obvious. First, there are infants with necessary immune antibodies in breast milk, and the prevalence of breastfed infants is significantly lower than that of non-breastfeeding infants. Secondly, the proportion of protein and carbohydrate in breast milk is suitable for digestion and absorption by infants. Components such as complement and lactoferrin are unmatched by any other dairy products.

3 newborns avoid drinking high concentrations of sugar water

Children who take high concentrations of sugar in milk and water are prone to diarrhea, indigestion, loss of appetite, and malnutrition. Newborns who eat high-sugar milk and water also increase the incidence of necrotic enteritis. Because high concentrations of sugar can damage the intestinal mucosa, a large amount of gas generated after the fermentation of sugar to cause the intestine to inflate, intestinal gas accumulation of different degrees, resulting in intestinal mucosa and muscle layer of hemorrhage and necrosis, and in severe cases can also cause intestinal perforation. Abdominal distension and vomiting can be seen clinically. Defecation is preceded by watery stools and bloody stools appear afterwards.

4. Do not let the baby eat too much eggs

Eggs and duck eggs are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of vitamins, which have certain benefits for the growth of the baby, but too much food can cause adverse consequences for the baby.

Nutrition experts believe that infants between 1 and 1 year and a half should eat only egg yolks, and they should not eat more than 1 egg each day; 1 and a half to 2 years old can eat 1 egg every other day (including egg yolk and egg white); older Only then can you eat 2 eggs a day. If the baby's feces, found in a protein-like material, then the baby's stomach is not good enough to absorb protein. For these babies, it is best to cook the yolks in other foods and feed them together. If the baby is developing rashes, it is necessary to pay attention to not eating eggs for the time being, so as not to increase the gastrointestinal burden.

5. It is not advisable for infants to drink adult beverages

(1) stimulant drinks: such as coffee, cola, etc., which contains caffeine, the children's central nervous system has excitatory effects on brain development.

(2) Alcoholic Beverage: Alcohol stimulates the gastric mucosa of the children and the intestinal mucosal nipples, which can cause damage and affect the normal digestion process. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on liver cells, and in severe cases, transaminase may increase.

(3) tea water: Although vitamins, trace elements, etc. are beneficial to humans, but children are more sensitive to theophylline contained, can make children excited, rapid heartbeat, urine, sleep, restlessness and so on. The tannins contained in tea combine with the proteins in the food, affecting digestion and absorption. After drinking tea, the absorption of iron decreases by 2 to 3 times and can cause anemia. For example, Israelis have the habit of letting babies drink tea, of which infants with 32.6 have anemia and infants who do not drink tea have 3.5% anemia.

(4) Soft drinks: Containing baking soda, neutralizing stomach acid, is not conducive to digestion. Reduced stomach acid, susceptible to gastrointestinal infections. Phosphate, which affects the absorption of iron, can also cause anaemia.

6. baby food should not be too salty

Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine. The kidneys of infants are still immature and their sodium capacity is weak. Excessive salt can easily damage the kidneys. The increase of sodium ions in the body will cause excess potassium ions to excrete in the urine, which can easily lead to weakening of the heart and muscles. In addition, too much salt can have high blood pressure. A medical organization in the United States surveyed school-aged children and found that these children had eaten canned salty foods during their infancy. Among them, 11% of them had high blood pressure when they were 10 to 13 years old. Therefore, baby food should not be too salty.

7. Avoid eating chewed food for babies

Some parents are afraid that children will not eat chewed foods, eat them well, and digest them before eating them. Some of them feed their mouths to their mouths, and some use their fingers to put chewing foods in their children's mouths. This is unhygienic.

Because adults often have germs and viruses in their mouths, it is easy for children to catch diseases. Therefore, foods that the child will not chew or can not chews are best chopped, boiled, and eaten with spoons. After one and a half years old, he can let him learn to eat, which is not only hygienic, but also cultivates the children's ability to live independently.

8. Infants should not stop eating after diarrhea

Infants and young children may for some reasons cause diarrhea from time to time. If you stop eating, you can avoid malabsorption, reduce the loss of water and salt, reduce the loss of bile acids and prevent damage to the intestinal mucosa. However, infants and young children who continue to feed diarrhea can improve their general nutritional status and can reduce further complications.

How good is it? Experts suggest that infants and young children during diarrhea should not stop eating and restrict food intake. The Nutrition and Diarrhoea Disease Control Subcommittee of the U.S. Food and Nutrition Commission also said that infants and young children who continue to feed diarrhea are safe and beneficial.

Diarrhea infants, the diet during recovery should also be emphasized. In order to accelerate growth, their thermal energy intake should increase by 25%. Foods that are rich in heat and protein should be selected to reduce the volume of food and require small meals. Protein intake should increase by 1 fold.

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