How to choose herbicides for different types of vegetables
1, leafy vegetables Including cabbage, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, such as cabbage, mustard, cauliflower, cabbage, leeks, leeks, parsley, celery, lettuce, garland chrysanthemum, spinach and so on. This type of vegetable does not promote the use of herbicides. If necessary, large-benefit, weed-pass can be used for soil treatment before planting (post celery and lettuce should not be used for large benefits), or soil treatment should be carried out before planting with Gore, Edamantine, and Vegetable Zhuang No. 2. The celery seedlings field can be used to treat the soil before sorgolide, gourd, and oxadiazem sowing; the lettuce, chives can be used to treat the soil before the planting; the garland chrysanthemum and leeks can be used for weed control. Pre-emergence soil treatment after sowing; coriander with diclalane before sowing before the soil treatment, this type of vegetable land can not use sulfonylurea herbicides. 2. Liliaceae, Root Vegetables, Dioscorea Vegetables Including leeks, garlic, green onions, onions, lilies, garlic, carrots, carrots, kohlrabi, potatoes, ginger, yams, etc. Leek has a short growing period, frequent harvesting, and leaf feeding. Do not use herbicides as much as possible. If necessary, choose contact-killing micro-toxic herbicide Goul and spray after the harvest of old leeks. Garlic, Lily, Potato, Ginger, and Yam have a long growth period, and they are mainly edible bulbs and tubers. They can be used for soil treatment in the early growth stage or stem and leaf treatment in the early post-emergence period. No. 2 and so on. Green garlic, green onions and onions have a short growth period and can only be treated with a contact-killer soil treatment agent. Radishes and carrots can be used as herbicides with poor conductivity, such as weed control. 3, eggplant vegetables Including eggplant, tomato, pepper and so on. This kind of vegetables should not use stem and leaf treatment agent, before the transplant can be used contact killing soil treatment agent If Seoul, evil spirits, or to contact with the main absorption of the role of a slight absorption of the vegetable Zhuang 2nd, diternam and so on. 4, vegetables vegetables Including cucumber, pumpkin, melon, gourd, melon, bitter gourd, chayote, zucchini and so on. It is strictly prohibited to use acetochlor in this type of vegetables, and it is better to use the herbicides, Goer, and Estraxen for soil treatment after sowing. 5, beans vegetables Including kidney beans, kidney beans, soybeans, peas, beans, lentils, etc. There are many herbicides suitable for legumes and vegetables, but herbicides are still the first choice for soil treatment, such as soil treatment with diternamidine, vegetable Zhuang No.1, and Ethocaproterone before sowing. 6, aquatic vegetables Including loquat, Ling Bai, Sagittatus and so on. Aquatic vegetables try not to use herbicides, if necessary, choose to use low-toxic vegetable strong No. 1, grass Buster and so on. 7, special vegetables Including asparagus, burdock, lettuce, artichoke, embalm, leeks, malan, chrysanthemum brain and so on. Goat can be used for soil treatment before or after transplanting. Rotary Evaporator,Intelligent Temperature Control,Small Lab Rotary Evaporator,Explosion Frequency Inverter Guangdong Widinlsa International Co.Ltd ,