How to Prevent Three Diseases of Chinese Cabbage
Soft rot, downy mildew, and virus diseases are the three major diseases in Chinese cabbage production. They have a great impact on the yield of Chinese cabbage. When the disease occurs, the output is reduced by 20% to 30%, and the weight is above 50%. The following describes the three major diseases prevention and control methods: Soft rot is commonly referred to as "grubbing." In the early stage of disease, the cabbages formed a water-soaked yellowish infiltrated area at the base of the cabbage, gradually turning yellow-brown, showing a sticky, soft and rot-like shape, wilting leaves, and eventually causing the roots to rot, with bad odor. It usually occurs from the rosette stage to the heart-filling stage. The disease is caused by the soft rot bacteria. When the temperature and humidity are high, the bacteria multiply quickly and the occurrence is serious. Control methods: sorghum cultivation, maintaining good drainage in the field, ventilation; timely sowing, to prevent premature aging; short irrigated long-term irrigation, timely drainage after rain, remove diseased plants before irrigation to reduce the spread of germs. In the early stage of disease, available streptomycin 150-200 mg/kg, or 200 mg/kg solution of neomycin, focusing on the spraying of diseased plants and its surrounding petiole, as far as possible to make the liquid flow into the cabbage, generally 7 to 10 days Shi once, even spray 2 or 3 times. Downy mildew The disease mainly damages the leaves, initially yellowish or yellow-green lesions, yellowish-brown after enlargement, polygonal or irregular shape. When the air is wet, a white to grayish creamy mildew layer develops in the diseased part of the lobe. Emergence after the rosette period is heavier. The disease is a fungal disease. Spores are often transmitted by wind and rain. Therefore, warm and humid weather conditions are conducive to the occurrence of the disease. Control methods: mainly agricultural control, supplemented by chemical control. Selection of disease-resistant varieties; rotation with non-cruciferous crops, preferably with paddy crop rotation; strengthening of fertilizer and water management. When the onset center is found, it is sprayed in time. The commonly used agents include: 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc 500 times, 25% metalaxyl WP 800~1000 times, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times. , Or 40% of B-phosphorus aluminum wettable powder 200 ~ 300 times liquid and so on. Virus disease is also called "cramps." When the Chinese cabbage was onset, the leaves appeared veins and mosaics, shrinking, distorting, necrotic spots, stripe spots, and plants exhibited dwarf flower malformations. Chinese cabbage could be susceptible to disease from the seedling stage to the heart-filling stage. The locusts are mainly transmitted and spread by the media. Control methods: In the selection of disease-resistant varieties, appropriate sowing, to ensure that the cabbage has sufficient growth period under the premise of drought and less rainy year, pay attention to watering the seedling stage, in order to reduce the soil temperature, root and strong seedlings. During the rosette period, the seedlings should be lightly or not seedlings. In the initial stage of disease, spray 20% of virus A wettable powder 500 times, or 15% of diseased Ling emulsion 1000 liquid, spray once every 10 days, spray 2~3 times continuously. At the same time, it is possible to use chemical agents such as imidacloprid, chlorpyrifos, and fleas to control aphids in time to eliminate the media.
Vegetable Powder is dried and dehydrated from vegetable raw materials, and then further crushed; Or first beating, then evenly spray dried powder of vegetable pellets. 1] Vegetable powder is an extension of dehydrated vegetables. It covers carrot powder, tomato powder, potato powder, pumpkin powder, red beet powder, spinach powder, celery powder, yam powder and other vegetable categories. Weaned infants are unable or unable to eat vegetables due to insufficient tooth development, the elderly are inconvenient to eat vegetables due to bad teeth or falling off, and some adults reduce their consumption of vegetables due to working relations or other reasons. Therefore, vegetable powder has a wide market in this kind of population. In addition, vegetable powder is also a pure natural colorant (carrot powder, tomato powder, spinach powder, red beet powder, celery powder, pumpkin powder, etc.), which is an excellent raw and auxiliary material for processing vegetable bread, vegetable noodles, specialty foods, etc.
Development trend
Cucumber powder, Spinach Powder, Cabbage Powder Xi'an Tian Guangyuan Biotech Co., Ltd. ,
The advantages of processing fresh vegetables into vegetable powder are: low moisture content, can prolong the storage period and reduce the costs of storage, transportation and packaging; The utilization rate of vegetable powder processing raw materials is high, especially there are no strict requirements on the size and shape of raw materials, which widens the application range of vegetables. Research shows that vegetable powder can be applied to almost all fields of food processing, can be used to improve the nutritional composition of food, improve its color and flavor, and can replace the use of artificial pigments in today's society, which has brought protection to the health of our consumers.
The processing of vegetable powder abroad is developing in the direction of low-temperature ultra-fine grinding. After drying, the fruits and vegetables are crushed by ultra-fine grinding, and the particles can reach the size of micron. The market advantages of the new vegetable powder are: the ultra-fine particles are more convenient to use; Nutrients are easier to digest and taste better; It can realize the full utilization of fruits and vegetables without skin residue, which is in line with the development direction of "high efficiency, high quality and environmental protection" of today's food processing industry