Meal meal powder friend circle expert: meal replacement powder diet does not fly

In the summer, many friends started crazy crazy weight loss plans in order to get rid of body fat as soon as possible. A meal replacement meal product that is popular now instead of a meal is popular with dieters because of its low energy and strong satiety.

However, food and nutrition information exchange expert Ji Guangfeng pointed out that meal replacement powder is only an auxiliary means of clinical weight loss, meal replacement meal itself is not fully balanced nutrition, if it replaces three meals a day, do not eat other food will cause nutrition Bad, endocrine disorders and other adverse consequences.

Meal meal hot circle of friends

Recently, Ms. Zhang was introduced by friends and began to eat meal replacement powder for weight loss. She only eats normal Chinese food every day, instead of meal replacement meal for breakfast and dinner. After eating more than two months in this way, she lost 3 kilograms, but recently she has been uncomfortable.

Nowadays, there are many examples of meal replacement powders such as Ms. Zhang losing weight. The reporter saw in the circle of friends that there are many kinds of meal replacement powders peddled in friends' circles. They have different flavors such as fruits and vegetables. When the sellers advertised, a small spoonful of meal replacement powder can make you feel full and lose weight. And it shows that it is rich in nutrients, rich in protein, fat, vitamin series and plant fibers.

In the end, what is the meal replacement powder? Yu Guangfeng introduced that meal replacement is the food that replaces part or all of the meals. The main ingredients of meal replacement powder include soybean protein, konjac, fruit and vegetable fiber, etc. It generally has the characteristics of high fiber, low calorie, and easy satiety. "Fat is the main energy storage material in the human body. The intake of food energy is reduced, and the human body maintains various physiological activities by consuming the energy stored in the body. Therefore, a low-energy diet can help to lose weight."

Meal replacement powder cannot replace three meals

Aiming at the current practice of many beauty-loving women replacing the normal diet with meal replacement powder, Ji Guangfeng said that meal replacement powder is just a weight-loss aid. However, eating only meal replacement powder for a long period of time and not eating “dinner” is definitely unscientific.

Yan Guangfeng introduced that the nutrients needed by the human body are comprehensive and should be obtained through a balanced diet. If one deliberately emphasizes or avoids certain nutrients, it will easily lead to nutritional imbalances and lead to health problems. For example, dieters talk about the discoloration of carbohydrates and fats. Together with proteins, they become the three main nutrients that provide heat to the body. The lack of carbohydrates will cause a waste of dietary protein, which will lead to a decrease in body immunity, which is one of the main substances that provide calories to the body.

In clinical practice, some nutritional powders are also used to make enteral nutrition for patients, but this is usually used when patients cannot eat. These nutrient powders are generally produced by professional clinical medical food manufacturers and are produced exclusively for use in hospitals after they have been proportioned to their nutritional ratios. "To replace meal replacement meal three meals a day, or even eat it for a long time, is certainly unhealthy. The consequences will be malnutrition and endocrine disorders such as sparse menstruation. More severe cases may have anorexia nervosa," said Qi Guangfeng.

There is no shortcut to lose weight

The causes of human obesity are nothing more than primary, secondary and genetic factors. Primary obesity is due to poor dietary habits and unreasonable diet, such as frequent supper snacks, excessive intake of high-protein, high-calorie, high-fat foods, while secondary obesity is associated with some diseases. In addition, after using some drugs containing hormones, it may also cause obesity.

Yan Guangfeng said that the most fundamental way to lose weight is to reduce the body's excessive accumulation of fat. “The most effective way is to 'eat two balances': on the one hand, it is necessary to control energy intake; on the other hand, it is necessary to consume excess energy through proper exercise. Only exercise consumes more calories than ingested calories. The body fat may be reduced to achieve weight loss goals. For some people who are overweight, obesity is a disease, it is best to go to a regular hospital."

Huang Guangmin, chief physician of the Institute of Sports Medicine of the General Administration of Sport of China, also suggested that people who lose weight should perform aerobic exercise (swimming, jogging, playing tennis, etc.), and insist on it; coupled with proper dietary control, can effectively remove excess body fat. (Source: Beijing Times Author: Qian Yu Yang)

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