Potted grape winter management four points

1: Do not lose water Although grape plants are dormant during the winter, for potted grapes, watering management must not be relaxed. Otherwise, once the water is lost, it will cause damage to the root system and dry shoots, which will seriously affect the opening of the grapes. Watering should be done once a week to keep the pottings wet to meet the water requirements of potted grapes.

2: Add base fertilizer to ensure that the next year's grape plants grow robustly. After entering the winter, you can use a change basin to apply some fermented organic fertilizers, such as bean cake, chicken manure, and sauce residue. The amount of fertilizer used should not be excessive, and each grape can be applied to 100 grams. The basal fertilizer should not be in direct contact with the roots of potted grapes. It is best to place it under a flower pot and cover it with a small amount of soil.

3: Control the temperature The temperature of potted grapes should be controlled at 0°C~5°C. If the temperature exceeds 10°C, the buds on the vine shoots will germinate prematurely, which will have adverse effects on the growth and results of the grapes in the coming year.

4: Pruning Pruning is a period when the growth of grapes is extremely slow in winter. This is also a suitable stage for pruning grapes. Since the sap flow at this time tends to stagnate, the wound loses less nutrients, and the pruned plants are not damaged. Big. Cross-branches, thin branches, and long branches can be cut off, and then the resulting main branch can be trimmed. In general, one or two buds should be left for each shoot, and 4 to 6 shoots should be left in the shoot, and 8 to 10 shoots should be left for the shoot. After a reasonable plastic trim, potted grapes are not only beautiful but also have a stronger growth.

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