The Key Techniques of Red Globe Grape Cultivation

In recent years, the cultivated area of ​​Red Globe grapes in China has reached 250,000 mu and is still developing rapidly. From Jilin (protective cultivation) to Yunnan, there are 17 provinces and cities in the country that cultivate Red Globe grapes in different areas. Red Earth is another large-scale grape variety after Kyoho.

Due to regional differences and backwardness in cultivation techniques, the quality of red grape in China is far below the level of imported grapes, and there are significant differences in color, grain weight, sugar content, and flavor. Some of our Red Globe grapes have become "Black Earth" due to their dark colors. On the one hand, the imported red grapes are priced at around 30 yuan per kilogram, and the market is very good. On the other hand, our domestic red grapes are sold for 6 to 10 yuan per kilogram, and there is a backlog of phenomena. At present, China imports more than 250,000 tons of red grapes each year, which consumes a lot of foreign exchange. The standard for imported red fruits is roughly: 1 bright red color. 2 Ears are loose, the length of the ear is 205 cm, and the number of fruit is 7020. 3 The longitudinal diameter of the fruit is greater than 28 mm, the transverse diameter is 25-28 mm, and the single grain is larger than 12 grams. 4 About 800 grams of ear weight, sugar content greater than 16 degrees.

Only the red grapes that produce the above standards can compete with imported red wines and can enter the international market. The key technologies of Red Globe grape cultivation:

1. Select strong seedlings when planting must use strong roots, shoots full, no pests and seedlings, lay the foundation for early high yield.

2, scaffolding cultivation of the Red Globe grape is best used scaffolding scaffolding, scaffolding cultivation has several major benefits: 1 slow down the tree potential, conducive to results. 2 reduce pests and diseases. 3 easy to bag. 4 prevent sunburn. 5 easy to buried.

3. Control of production For mature gardens, the output should be controlled at about 1,500 kg. For saplings, the yield should be calculated from the cross-sectional area of ​​the base of the grape (in cm). Calculation formula: The amount of fruit left in each plant = 1.5 cm in square centimeters.

4. Both branches of red grape are generally used to dry and pruning. Two-branch renewal is to leave two new shoots at each result site, one as the result branch and the other as the reserve branch. Cut off the resulting shoots during winter cuts, leaving the preparation branches. In the second year, two new shoots will be made from the ready branches. One will be the result and the other will be the ready branch. Because the red earth branches are more greedy and less prone to aging, the branches are less likely to age. One of the benefits of the two-branch renewal is to ensure that there is a robust fruiting branch each year, and the second is to ensure that there is enough leaf area to supply the nutrition of the grapes. The leaf-fruit ratio of Red Globe grapes is 40-45:1.

5. After harvesting, the tips of the new shoots should be picked at the 6 to 8 leaves in front of the ear after fruiting. This makes the ear relatively loose and facilitates fruit thinning. Reserve branches to leave more than 10 leaves topping.

6. Auxiliary tip treatment All the sub tips below the ear are removed. The auxiliary tip above the ear must leave at least 3 to 4 leaves topping. Absolutely it is not possible to leave 1 leaf topping because the winter buds of the Red Globe grape are easy to germinate.

7. Inflorescence shaping removes the spike. Go to the flower tip. The other small ears go one to two, leaving 6 to 8 spikelets in the end.

8. Bagging Red Globe grapes must be bagged. It is best to choose breathable but impervious bags, such as Jiatian bags. In areas with heavier sunburn, it is best to add an umbrella bag after bagging.

9, early prevention of disease Red Earth leaves are not resistant to downy mildew, black pox disease, fruits are not resistant to gray mold, should be prevented in advance. Spraying Cobo or carbendazim before flowering and after flowering, Cobo and carbendazim are also effective. Don't wait for illness to fight drugs later. This will do less work and cause losses.

10, with leaf pruning, with red earth buried in the leaves of grape buds do not have anti-drought cream, pruning late often cause freezing damage. So be sure to bring the leaves trimmed, with the leaves buried.

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