The superiority of citrus virus-free seedlings
Comparison of citrus virus-free seedlings with conventional seedlings has the following five advantages: First, strict production procedures, pure varieties. The process of producing citrus virus-free seedlings: preferably single plants - virus-free treatment - virus detection - the original parent tree - cutting garden - specializing in the production of nurseries - virus-free grafted seedlings. Virus-free seedlings produced according to strict production procedures can ensure pure, high-quality varieties without virus diseases, virus-like diseases and dangerous pests and diseases. Second, the root system is developed, grows robustly, and the survival rate of planting is high. The virus-free production nursery used container bags or special nutrient soil nursery beds. The seedlings grew robustly, neatly and uniformly, and the leaves were hypertrophic. Roots (whiskers) were 2-3 times more common than conventional seedlings. It can be planted all year round, as long as the planting quality is guaranteed, the survival rate of planting can reach 100%, and no seedling period will occur. Third, the tree grows strong, parks are fast, and the result is early. No virus seedlings can be planted for 2 years with a canopy of up to 1 meter. The three-year result is universal. It is 1-2 years earlier than conventional seedlings. It is put into production as early as 2-3 years, and the production period is greatly extended. Fourth, high yield, stable production, good quality. The experience at home and abroad has proved that virus-free citrus orchards are generally about 30% more productive than conventional ones. The fruit is large and neat, with good finish, high commodity rate, and the quality is superior to that of conventional seedlings. Fifth, strong resistance, reduce production costs. Due to the robust growth of virus-free seedlings, strong root systems, strong resistance to adverse weather, increased absorption and utilization of fertilizers, and significant reductions in the use of drugs and labor for virus diseases and similar viral diseases, resulting in a reduction in Production costs, reduce pesticide pollution, help protect the ecological environment. Crimp Go No-Go Gauges Equipments
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