Three bananas a day reduce the risk of stroke

Researchers in the United Kingdom and Italy have found that eating three bananas a day can reduce the risk of stroke.

Researchers point out that eating a banana for breakfast, eating a banana at noon, and eating a banana at night can provide enough potassium to reduce the chance of forming blood clots in the brain by 21%.

According to the "Daily Mail" report, studies have shown that stroke can also be avoided by eating other potassium-rich foods such as spinach, nuts, milk, fish, and lentils. Although previous studies have shown that bananas can affect blood pressure control and prevent stroke, the findings are not consistent.

In the latest study, scientists analyzed 11 different studies - dating back to the mid-1960s, and combined the following results: daily intake of about 1600 mg of potassium, less than the recommended daily intake of 3500 mg for adults in the UK Half but still enough to reduce the risk of one-fifth of a stroke.

An average of 500 milligrams of potassium on a banana can help lower blood pressure and control the body's moisture balance. Too little potassium intake can lead to irregular heartbeats, irritability, nausea, and diarrhea.

Researchers at the University of Warwick and the University of Naples believe that in many countries, citizens’ potassium intake is much lower than the daily recommended intake.

If consumers can eat more potassium-rich foods while reducing salt intake, the number of people who die each year from stroke can be reduced by more than a million.

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