Tofu dregs fish "four not suitable"
The bean curd slag contains abundant nutrients such as crude protein and crude fat, which is a good feed for the cultivation of fry and fingerlings. However, the following points should also be taken into account when feeding bean curd residue. It is not appropriate to feed the bean curd that spoils. Severely deteriorated bean curd residue contains toxic substances such as aflatoxin that can cause fish poisoning and should be prohibited.
Medical Cold Patch
Patch For Diarrhea,Medicated Patches For Arthiritis,Plaster For Diarrhea,Pad For Diarrhea Shandong XiJieYiTong International Trade Co.,Ltd. ,
Not directly fed: Tofu contains an anti-trypsin, which can hinder the digestion and absorption of protein by trypsin in fish. Therefore, before boiling, the bean curd residue is heated and boiled for 15 minutes to destroy the antitrypsin, thereby making full use of the protein in the feed.
Not suitable for long-term feeding alone: ​​Although bean curd slag is rich in crude protein and crude fat, it has no nitrogen extracts, vitamins, and low levels of calcium and phosphorus. Therefore, when using bean curd slag to feed fish, be sure to use appropriate amounts of other nutrients. Materials and feed ingredients, if fed herbivorous fish, should match some green grass, fresh leaves and other green feed.
Should not be fed too much: the appropriate amount of feeding: fresh slag in the control of 25% to 30%, dry residue controlled at 10% or less. If too much, it will cause fish indigestion and other symptoms.
Patch for diarrhea
[Name] Medical Cold Patch
[Package Dimension] 5cm 4pieces/box
The pain relief patch is composed of three layers, namely, backing lining, middle gel and protective film. It is free from pharmacological, immunological or metabolic ingredients.
[Scope of Application] For cold physiotherapy, closed soft tissue only.
The patches give a fast relief for diarrhea.
[How To Use a Patch]
Please follow the Schematic Diagram. One piece, one time.
The curing effect of each piece can last for 6-8 hours.
Do not apply the patch on the problematic skin, such as wounds, eczema, dermatitis,or in the eyes. People allergic to herbs and the pregnant are advised not to use the medication. If swelling or irritation occurs, please stop using and if any of these effects persist or worsen.notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Children using the patch must be supervised by adults.
[Storage Conditions]
Store below 30c in a dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.