Zhuzhu is good for feeding sugarcane in winter

After the fresh sugarcane is removed from the leaves and roots, it is cleaned and drained. The water is cut into small pieces of 25 to 30 centimeters and put into the bamboo rat rearing pond. The bamboo rats are allowed to feed freely and fed three times a day. They are fed in the morning, noon and evening. Each time, each bamboo rat weighing about 500 grams was fed 300 to 500 grams. Generally 15 to 20 minutes after feeding, the bamboo rat is about to finish the sugar cane. At this time, it is necessary to clean the residue in time to keep the environment clean. Feeding continuously for 3 to 5 months, the bamboo rat can gain 2.5 to 3 kilograms in weight and has a bright, shiny coat.


Vitamins are a group of organic compounds necessary for the maintenance of good health. This kind of substance in the body is neither the raw material of the body tissue, nor the source of energy, but a kind of regulatory substance, plays an important role in material metabolism. These substances cannot be synthesized or not produced in sufficient quantities in the body, so they must be supplied frequently with food, though in small quantities.

Vitamins, also known as vitamins, are commonly referred to as life-sustaining substances, which are essential organic substances to maintain human life activities and important active substances to maintain human health. Vitamins in the body in small amounts, but indispensable. Although the chemical structures and properties of various vitamins are different, they have the following in common:

â‘  Vitamins are present in food in the form of provitamin;

(2) Vitamins are not components of the body's tissues and cells, and they do not produce energy. Their main role is to participate in the regulation of body metabolism;

â‘¢ Most of the vitamins, the body can not synthesize or synthesize insufficient, can not meet the needs of the body, must often be obtained through food;

â‘£ The human body's vitamin requirements are very small, daily requirements are often calculated in milligrams or micrograms, but once the lack of vitamin deficiency will cause the corresponding disease, causing damage to human health.

Different from carbohydrates, fat and protein, vitamins are only a small proportion of natural food, but they are necessary for the human body. Some vitamins, such as B6 and K, can be synthesized by the bacteria in the intestinal tract of animals, and the synthetic amount can meet the needs of animals. Animal cells can convert tryptophan into niacin, a B vitamin, but not in sufficient quantities. Vitamin C is self-synthesized in all animals except primates and guinea pigs. Plants and most microorganisms can make vitamins themselves and do not need to be supplied externally. Many vitamins are components of cogroups or coenzymes.

Vitamins are some small organic compounds necessary for human and animal nutrition and growth. They play an important role in metabolism, growth, development and health of the body. If the long-term lack of a certain vitamin, will cause physiological dysfunction and some diseases. Generally obtained from food. At present, there are dozens of found, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and so on.

Vitamins are essential organic compounds in human metabolism. The human body is like a very complex chemical plant, constantly carrying out various biochemical reactions. The reaction is closely related to enzyme catalysis. In order for an enzyme to be active, a coenzyme must be involved. Many vitamins are known to be coenzymes or constituent molecules of coenzymes. Therefore, vitamin is an important substance to maintain and regulate normal metabolism of the body. Arguably, the best vitamins are found in human tissues in the form of "bioactive substances".

Vitamins,organic substances,t humans and animals

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