Application of coated controlled-release fertilizer

First, the controlled release fertilizer coated nutrient release rate and release period according to the crop growth and suction law design, a crop or a crop of a season only once controlled release fertilizer, that can meet the crop throughout the growing season of nutrient requirements.

Second, the application of coated controlled-release fertilizer should be based on the crop's target yield, soil fertility levels and nutrient content of fertilizer after comprehensive consideration. At present, large areas of field crops are generally used as mixed fertilizers for coated fertilizers and quick-acting fertilizers, and the amount of nutrients, contents, and percentages of coated fertilizers should be taken into consideration.

Third, organic polymer coated controlled-release compound fertilizer, its N, P, K and its trace element formula ratio should be determined according to the needs of the crop and the abundance of different soil conditions, crop-specific or universal coating control The specific conditions of the compound fertilizer, visible crops and soil were reduced by 1/3-1/2 of that of the conventional control fertilizer. The time interval for fertilizer application was determined according to the length of the controlled release period of the fertilizer.

Fourth, the application of coated controlled-release fertilizers should be based on the characteristics of planting and growth and development of different crops. For wheat and other root-dense and evenly-distributed crops, the amount of controlled release fertilizer recommended for special coating can be used before sowing. Evenly spread on the surface, planting after ploughing, and you can no longer apply fertilizer during the growth period.

Fifth, for corn, peanuts and other large-row crops, in accordance with the recommended application of special coated controlled-release fertilizer, a one-time ditch base applied to the lower part of the seed or near the side of the seed 5-10 cm. Note that sulfur-coated urea as well as blend fertilizer with coated fertilizer and available fertilizer can not be in direct contact with the seed, so as to avoid burning seeds or burning seedlings.

6. Fruit trees such as apples, peaches, pears, etc., can open 6-8 radial ray ridges about 1 meter from the trunk, about 20 centimeters deep, near the top of the trunk a little shallow, deep outside the canopy, and then apply the controlled-release fertilizer. After the buried earth. In addition, the interval between fertilizers should also be determined based on the release period of controlled-release fertilizers.

7. When horticultural transplanting crops are used as base fertilizers, dig a pit first, apply the recommended amount of coated controlled-release fertilizer to the bottom of the pit, mix the soil or substrate with fertilizer, and put the transplanted plants on top of the mixed fertilizer. Bury it with soil and then water it.

VIII. Controlled-release coated fertilizers are used as a base fertilizer for potted plants. They can be mixed with soil or substrate. The application amount is determined according to the size of the pots and the volume of soil or matrix that can be loaded into the soil. Pots, the amount can be halved; used as top-dressing potted plants with the same amount of basal fertilizer, fertilizer evenly applied to the soil under the plant canopy or substrate surface. According to the release period of controlled-release fertilizer, it is applied once every 3-9 months.

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