Autumn meat sheep fast fattening method
Preparation before fattening Sheep house preparation. Sheep housekeeping density is 0.4 square meters to 0.5 square meters for each sheep, in order to help limit sheep movement and increase fattening effect. The sheep house should be built in a place convenient for ventilation, drainage, lighting, sheltering from the sun and access to pasture and feed warehouses. Forage and feed preparation. During the entire fattening period, each sheep should prepare 2 kg to 2.5 kg of hay a day, or 3 kg to 5 kg of silage, or 3 kg to 5 kg of ammoniated feed, etc., and 0.3 kg to 0.4 kg of sheep per day for concentrates. ready. The choice of fattening season. Mutton has the largest market demand in winter and spring, and commodity sheep are more suitable for slaughter in the winter. Therefore, the fattening season for mutton sheep is best in autumn. The temperature in autumn is suitable, and the pasture and crop stalks are abundant, which is conducive to the rapid growth and sales of mutton sheep. The choice of fattening sheep. Sheep used for fattening should use lambs of the current year and young sheep, followed by sheep and old sheep. After selecting the fattening sheep, the sheep need to be dewormed and castrated. Feeding management Master the crude rough ratio. The proportion of appropriate roughage can not only provide energy, but also meet the needs of fattening sheep for protein. It can also maintain the normal activities of the sheep's stomach and ensure the health of the sheep. Therefore, it is advisable for concentrate feed to account for 1/3 of the diet. When the concentrate feeds with green hay, it is best to add silage to supplement vitamins, and vitamins and trace elements may also be added as appropriate. The proportion of protein in sheep's diet should be around 8%. Concentrate formula. Broken corn 40%~45%, wheat bran 25%~30%, cooked bean cake 15%~20%, rapeseed cake 10%~15%, salt 0.5%~1%, adjust the total to 100%. Crushed corn 74%, wheat bran 10%, cooked bean cake 14%, bone meal 1.5%, salt 0.5%. Hawthorn flour 57%, cake 30%, bran 10%, bone meal 2%, salt 1%. Feeding amount and feeding method. The amount fed depends on the feed intake of the sheep and how much to feed. The feed intake is related to the species, age, sex, physique, feed palatability, and moisture of the sheep. The greater the intake of sheep, the higher the daily gain. On the sheep's day, 2 kg to 2.5 kg of hay, 3 kg to 4 kg of fresh grass, and 0.3 kg to 0.4 kg of concentrate feed were fed. The feeding method was to feed the concentrate, then feed the hay or roughage, and finally drink water. Forage is added at any time to keep the sheep's strong appetite and increase its feed intake. Hydrophilic Reinforcement SM Nonwoven SMS Nonwoven,Non Woven SMS Fabric,SMS Non Woven Fabric,Disposable SMS Nonwoven ShaoXing SurgeCare Medical Products Co., Ltd. ,