Possible problems in the germination of grapes

First, possible problems in the germination period of grapes

1, the sprout is not neat. Mainly in two aspects. First, in the same orchard, different trees are not a sprout. In general, the weaker the tree, the sooner it sprouts. The tree that grew stronger in the previous year will have a late sprout. Second, the same result mother branch, if the amount of buds is too large, the top of the first sprout, the middle and lower sprouts are delayed. These two phenomena are all manifestations of irritability.

If it is cultivated without denuclearization, it must be treated with scented flowers or stalks. If the germination is not neat, it will be difficult to finish it all at once. It will cause a lot of trouble for future management.

2, small leaf yellow leaf phenomenon. If the spring fruit trees are in the early stage of germination, a large number of small leaf yellow leaves are seen in the orchard, which is basically not a simple symptom of deficiency. The so-called deficiency is the same symptom at the same time. It is impossible to have a small piece of nitrogen deficiency, a small piece of iron deficiency, and a small piece of magnesium deficiency. Deficiency syndrome has a typical feature: large areas of the same symptoms.

If the individual trees in the spring show small leaf yellow leaves, the roots are generally problematic. Because the nutrients needed for the germination of fruit trees are basically derived from the reserves of the previous year, most of the nutrients are stored in the root system. At this time, the root system is dug out to see that there is no capillary root, or some root diseases have occurred.

3, the branches are long. Generally seen in the northern facility shed, the performance is that the pitch is much longer than normal growth. The most common reason is that the shed temperature is too high.

4, the amount of flowers is small, the tidbits are small, and the fruit setting rate is low.

Second, the common cause of germination is not neat

1. The amount of fruit contained in the previous year was too high, and the overdraft tree potential.

2, downy mildew prevention and treatment, the leaves are too early. Common problems in the cultivation of grapes in the open air in the north. The leaves are early, the base fertilizer is not used well, the nutrient reserves are insufficient, and the sprouts are definitely not good.

3, long-term pruning leave more buds, the top advantage. European and American hybrids, such as summer black, sunny roses, etc., generally do not advocate excessive buds. If the species is taken from the giant peak of natural fruit set, it is necessary to carry out the middle and long-length pruning to maintain the fruit setting rate. However, if the middle and long-length tips are budded more, the natural apical advantage will cause the bud at the top of the mother branch to germinate first, and the later, the later the germination.

4, the ground temperature is low, the roots are not awake, the absorption is poor. It often occurs in greenhouse cultivation. The temperature is already high with a thermometer. It lasts for more than 30 degrees, but the ground temperature is still relatively low. If the ground temperature is less than 8-10 degrees and lasts for a while, then the root system has not yet awakened, the water and fertilizer are not absorbed, but the aerial part has begun to sprout. This is the reason why we promote the most common germination in early cultivation.

Third, the cause of the decline of the tree

First, the output in the previous year was too high, and the tree was overdrawn; second, the quality of the base fertilizer was relatively poor, and the fruit trees did not complete the nutrient reserve before the leaves.

1. As long as you are willing to use fertilizer, can the vines have more fruit?

The load capacity of the fruit trees depends on the supply capacity of the nutrients and is not directly related to the amount of fertilizer used. More fertilizers must be used to convert leaves into nutrients for photosynthesis.

The nutrient supply capacity of fruit trees is related to light quality, root absorption, leaf quality, and water and fertilizer supply.

1) Light quality. Fruit trees must be converted into nutrients in the presence of light, so the quality of light directly determines the efficiency of the conversion of fertilizer into nutrients.

2) Root absorption. The root system is good, the absorption capacity is strong, the water and fertilizer are available, and the nutrient synthesis is stronger. If the root system is not working and the water and fertilizer are not absorbed, the nutrient supply capacity will certainly not be strong.


In some gardens with relatively high fruit quality, we found that although the light conditions are better, the water use fertilizer is more, the leaf quality is also good, but the problems of soft fruit, weak fruit and water tank are frequently encountered. The main reason is that many gardens have started drip irrigation in recent years. The most stupid way to drip irrigation is to drop a few hours of water, then drop the fertilizer, and then drop a few hours of water, which will ensure that the fertilizer reaches a deeper position. But when you don't have enough water, the fat is definitely on the surface. The roots grow to water, to fertility, and the roots are definitely floating. In spring, the roots rise and fall into the summer. One is high temperature, and the other is rain. The roots that rise above the surface of the soil will shrink and die a lot. The ability of the roots to absorb water and fertilizer is definitely poor.

3) Blade quality. The leaves are nutrient processing plants, and all fertilizer needs to be converted into nutrients in the leaves to be utilized. Therefore, if the quality of the leaves is not good, there is no more fertilizer, and it is useless. This is why the garden where the downy mildew is more serious, the trees are generally not good, and the quality of the buds in the second year is not high.

4) Water and fertilizer supply. If we take care of the light and take into account the roots, and take into account the leaves, then we will strengthen the supply of water and fertilizer to ensure a sufficient supply of nutrients. If the first three factors are not considered, and the output is hung up, the fertilizer will not be used any more.

In particular, remind the vineyards of Anhui, Jiangsu, Huaihe River and the Yangtze River, because these areas have obvious plum rainy weather in the early summer, and the performance in 2016 is very remarkable. For 20 days, the sun is not seen, it has been raining, and the roots have been Soaking in the water, it is impossible to turn into nutrients with more fertilizer. At this time, as long as the fruit trees are hung, the water tank disease and ulcer disease are destined to be serious.

Anhui, Jiangsu, this piece, many experts have repeatedly stressed that the load of 3500-4000 kg. This statement has been summarized over the years based on local climatic conditions. All the gardens that make money, let us visit, most of them are commodity spikes, one ear and one pound to two pounds, and one mu of land is 3000-4000 kilograms of output. Higher, one is that the quality of the fruit is not good, and the second is that the spring hangs so many fruits, does not mean that it can receive so many fruits. Therefore, the load capacity of the fruit tree must be mastered according to the local weather conditions. It is not willing to use fertilizer, and its ability to bear fruit is high.

2. Factors that have a greater impact on the base fertilizer in autumn

Most of the nutrients needed for the germination of fruit trees are derived from the accumulation of nutrients in the autumn of the previous year, so the autumn base fertilizer directly determines the growth of the next year. Autumn Shiji is an old topic, but last year, due to continuous rainfall, the quality of many orchards in the autumn is very poor.

Factors affecting the application of autumn fertilizers:

1) Fertilization time

In general, the blade stomata are closed when the temperature is above 35 °C. When the stomata are closed, it means that the fruit tree has lost its ability to absorb water and fertilizer. Therefore, the autumn temperature is the earliest after the fruit picking, the daytime temperature is close to 30 °C, this time the leaf photosynthetic quality is the highest.

The latest is 1 month before the leaves. Because the fertilizer is used, the root system is converted from absorption to leaf, and the fertilizer is converted into nutrients and then returned to the roots for storage at least for a month, so it is necessary to apply the base fertilizer in the autumn one month before the fall.

2) Fertilization category

What should be added to the autumn base fertilizer? In the past few years, everyone should have summed it up. What really limits our quality is not the NPK, not the trace elements, but the organic matter in the soil. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are good to make up, but organic matter is very difficult to make up. Japan has set the soil organic matter content of 3.5% as the standard that is not suitable for grape cultivation, while the soil organic matter content in most parts of North China and East China is not even 1%. The organic matter content not only affects the conversion of NPK fertilizers, but also directly affects the growth quality of roots. When the soil organic matter reaches a certain amount, the growth of the root system will undergo rapid changes. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium have quick effect and can be topdressed. The accumulation rate of organic fertilizer in the soil is relatively slow. Therefore, in the autumn base fertilizer, we should mainly use farmyard manure, and it is best to use decomposed cattle and sheep manure, 2-3 tons per mu.

Do not advocate the use of commercial organic fertilizer. The measurement of organic fertilizer depends on two standards. According to the national standard, the organic matter content of commercial organic fertilizer should reach 45%, and the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should reach 5%. The content of organic matter in the rotten beef and feces is basically 30%-35%. At the same time, the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the beef and feces are generally above 5 points. Therefore, the self-stacked cattle and sheep manure is not more effective than the commercial organic fertilizer. difference. The first problem is that the rotten beef and feces are completely bought, and the finished product is about 260 yuan (in Jiangsu area, it is not considered as freight). If it is said that one ton of land is two tons, it is about 500. If you buy 500 tons of commercial organic fertilizer, you can only buy half a ton under normal circumstances. The second problem is that at least 5 points of NPK in the rotten beef and feces, and two tons in one mu means that 100 mu of pure NPK is used in one mu of land, which is converted into 45% compound fertilizer. Nearly 200 kilograms, and these NPK are slowly released, not easy to lose, and ensure good long-lasting effect in the orchard. After two tons of decomposed cattle and sheep dung, first, the soil permeability will be very good, which is good for root respiration and the root system will not be bad. The higher the soil organic matter, the more the root system is, the more hormones are secreted by the root tip, and many of the key hormones required for fruit tree growth are secreted by the root tip. At the same time, there are about 100 kg of pure NPK in the soil, which means that the NPK will not be lacking in the second year of the orchard. When the key fertilizer season is needed, it will be strengthened with some water-soluble fertilizer, and the grape will not be bad. . In the past few years, our garden is two tons of cattle and sheep manure plus 20-25 kg of water-soluble fertilizer. It is still a kind of sunshine rose that needs a relatively large amount of fertilizer. We use such a low cost, but definitely only use compound fertilizer. It’s much better. With two tons of cattle and sheep feces, NPK is enough, but the release is slower, it doesn't matter, we put about 30 kg of compound fertilizer and 60 kg of phosphate fertilizer, superphosphate and calcium magnesium phosphate.

If you can't find beef and feces in the local area, you can use chicken manure and pig manure, but you must pay attention to two when using it. First, even if the beef and feces are not decomposed, it will not heat up when placed in the soil. There is no risk of burning roots and smoked trees. However, after the chicken manure and pig manure are not decomposed into the ground, they must continue to dissipate heat and continue to deflate. The risk of fat damage is relatively large, so cattle and sheep manure can not be used. The chicken manure and pig manure are not ripe and can not be used. The second is the problem of adjusting the carbon-nitrogen ratio in organic fertilizer. The cattle and sheep feces are directly decomposed and do not need to be added. However, before the chicken manure and pig manure are decomposed, it is best to add straw or rice husk in the proportion of 3-4%. Adjust the carbon to nitrogen ratio.

3) Leaf quality when fertilizing

Under normal circumstances, the grape leaves can only dry for 100 days - 110 days, watching the leaves fall, but the leaves are more than 110 days, no longer work, it is said that it consumes more than it manufactures, so in order to ensure For the effect of the autumn base fertilizer, we must retain some of the secondary shoots after picking the fruit to ensure that there are enough young leaves after fertilization. Any late-maturing species, such as Sunshine Rose, Cresson, personally recommend that the main shoots should not be taken after the heart, even if it costs something, one or two leaves are topped, the purpose is to ensure that the fruit has enough young leaves to work in the late stage of development, see There are so many blades in the middle and lower parts of the shoots, but many of the leaves are close to 100 days, and the ability to work is very weak. The fruit develops first to form acid, then to form sugar, and then to form a pigment to complete the coloring, and finally to form an aromatic substance. Like a kind of sunshine rose, a friend said that my sunshine rose is sweet enough, but it is not crisp, it is not fragrant. A lot of the problem is that you are always picking up the heart, including the side shoots being too clean. Because aromatics and crispy meat are the last to be achieved, more nutrients are needed at this time, but there are no young leaves on your tree.

Fourth, greenhouse temperature control

Here mainly refers to the ground temperature control. If the sprout is not neat in the facility shed, the most common reason is that the ground temperature is too low. It is easy to raise the temperature in the greenhouse, but it is difficult to raise the ground temperature. Therefore, how to effectively improve the ground temperature is one of the important factors that we guarantee to promote the quality of early cultivation.

Increasing the ground temperature is mainly due to the order and timing of the film. In general, for a single-layer film, the shed is shed for 50 days before the normal germination of the exposed grape, and the double-layer film is advanced up to 80 days. In some places, in order to facilitate management, no matter how many layers of film, 50 days in advance, because 50 days in advance can not be done, if the length is too long, the insulation effect is not good, plus the number of layers of the membrane is not enough, may be an accident.

The order of the film, the teacher of the sputum is very clear to everyone: congenital and then in the middle. First buckle the outside shed, wait for more than a week to cover the mulch, and then wait a few more days to apply a second film. Never push the shed and the mulch at the same time. Because the ground temperature does not rise, the root system will not recover, and the ground part will not sprout.

1, near the germination temperature is relatively low treatment measures

1) If the soil is poorly plated or poorly ventilated, it can be simply shallowly ploughed, breaking the surface and enhancing heat exchange. Don't plow deep, once deep, cut off the root system, nutrient reserves have no meaning, the germ quality will be even worse.

2) In combination with shallow tillage, first apply the decomposed beef and feces and then water. On the one hand, it can increase the permeability of the soil. On the other hand, the cattle and feces are put into the soil. After the watering, the soil moisture increases and further fermentation produces heat.

Other measures

After the grape has a wound, use 500-1000 ml of seaweed in one acre of land to avoid using plant growth regulators such as s-excitation, indole butyric acid and rooting powder. The main reason for not using such substances in spring is twofold. First, all growth regulators have very poor activity at temperatures below 20 °C. Second, when the plant growth regulator is appropriate, it is promoted. When the concentration is too high, it is suppressed. Few people will adjust the concentration according to the tree potential, according to the temperature and according to the ground temperature. If it is not adjusted, use seaweed essence.

Preferably with soil treatment promote root silicon element. In 2016, we did an experiment. In order to promote the quality of the spring leaves of the sun rose and reduce the symptoms of the virus disease, we poured a kilogram of seaweed essence in the germination stage of the sun rose, and all of them grew well. But half of them combined with germination, about 5 kilograms of water-soluble silicon was used in one acre, and half was useless. In the summer, I found that silicon was added, and it still grows normally, but there is no silicon supplement. In the first few days of the early summer, it was the temperature that increased rapidly after continuous rainfall. The fruit development was obviously diapause, and then the root was dug. When I came out and looked at it, the roots of the silicon were very strong, and the surface of the roots was yellow; without the silicon, many of the capillary roots had shrunk. Because after you take the algae to promote the roots, the roots are very long, the roots of the grapes are fleshy roots, which are easily damaged. If silicon is used, a layer of silicified cells is formed on the surface of the plants, which strengthens the roots for strong roots. The reverse ability, the effect is very significant. Therefore, we recommend that the spring root treatment and pre-emergence silicon supplementation must be combined. If the root system is only unprotected, the root system will be too young and will have an accident in early summer. The best silicon fertilizer is recommended to use the return of Taiwan Longtai Agriculture (85% active silica ) as the base fertilizer, 1-2 bags of acre, economical and effective.

If the tree is too weak, the roots can be supplemented with nutrients that can be directly absorbed by the grapes, such as amino acids, biochemical fulvic acid, and humic acid, before germination. This kind of thing, the grape can be used directly after absorption, does not require the conversion of the leaves, is a very effective means of strong tree growth in spring.

For orchards with a large amount of buds, for example, the flower is unstable, such as the summer black of the natural fruit setting, it must be trimmed in the middle and long ends. In this case, use the cyanamide to bud, but each result is branched. Do not apply the top buds.

2. Temperature control before and after germination

Under the premise of good shed insulation, such as East China, it takes about 30 days from the shed to the germination. In the first week after the shed, the temperature is controlled within 20 °C. The temperature in the second week is gradually increased to less than 25 °C. Then the shed is closed for a week. The temperature is not over 35 °C for the next two weeks. After the shed, especially after the smectic acid is applied, it is necessary to pour large water. Before the germination, the humidity in the shed is not bad. When the germination is near, the fog can be seen in the shed, and the effect is better.

After germination to fruit set, we need to pay attention to two issues. First, the European and American hybrids from the time of germination to fruit setting, the temperature in the shed is best controlled below 30 ° C, if the temperature is found to exceed 28 ° C in the morning, then quickly ventilate and cool, because the light in the early shed is weak, if the temperature Higher, the grape branches are definitely long, and the flowers of European and American hybrids will be degraded and aborted at high temperatures. Second, the paving film is gone. The most terrible thing about promoting early cultivation is gray mold. At present, there is no good medicine for gray mold. Of course, some people will fight drugs. In the early stage, they will be prevented with gramicidal or iprodione. If there is disease in the later stage, use it. Jianda treatment is not bad, but the cost is relatively high. In fact, the gray mold in spring not only occurs in the inflorescence, but sometimes it is found that the black and other varieties grow long, and a new branch falls down. The branches are picked up and the base of the fallen branches is discolored, which is the gray when the sprouts. The mold is infested, causing the branches to fall off. The easiest way to control gray mold is to dehumidify. Therefore, after the budding, the waterproof film should be laid, and the humidity in the shed will be lowered.

Analysis of the reasons for the small amount of flowers and small inflorescence

Flower bud differentiation failed with the least common flower size and small inflorescence. A bud of a grape has two futures. The nutrient supply is good. When the condition is right, it will turn into a flower. When the condition is not suitable, it becomes a tendril.

Grape flower bud differentiation, carried out in two steps, from the flowering period to about two weeks after flowering, this period is the key period of flower bud differentiation in the second year; from the occurrence of the injury flow until the growth of 7-10 leaves, this The period of time forms the germ cells of the year.

Reasons for affecting flower bud differentiation:

1, the lack of light, especially a lot of Eurasian species, planted in the insulation shed, the more flowers, the less the number of flowers, is not replaced in time after the membrane is dirty. When growing in summer and autumn, the grapes do not get enough light, and flower bud differentiation will fail;

2, sustained high temperature, mainly in the spring after the germination of high temperature, flower buds degradation will be very powerful. As mentioned earlier, in the morning after the germination, the temperature in the shed was more than 28 °C, and the air was cooled down quickly;

3, nutrient supply is not sufficient, under normal circumstances, the nutrient supply is more, the longer the better. Among them, phosphorus is the most sensitive to reproductive development, so for flower bud differentiation, elements such as phosphorus, potassium and boron must be supplied in place;

4. Related hormones for flower bud differentiation. The hormone that promotes flower bud differentiation is secreted by the root tip of grape hairy roots. Therefore, the thinner the fruit tree species, the larger the plant spacing, the more the root system can be unfolded, the stronger the soil permeability, the more active the capillary roots grow, and the more the root tips. The more flowering hormones are secreted, the more the quality of flower bud differentiation can be guaranteed. If it is too densely planted, the soil has poor gas permeability, the root quality is poor, the capillary root is small and inactive, and the quality of the secreted flowering hormone is definitely not good, and the flower bud differentiation is destined to be good;

In order to ensure the quality of germ cell formation in spring, after the fruit tree is germinated, phosphorus and potassium are added through the leaf surface. Many people use boron before they bloom. Boron is indeed essential for ensuring fruit setting. However, it takes a while to convert after boron is used, at least one week, so it should be replenished in advance. In addition, the orchard cultivated by the non-nuclear culture can not only spray the high-phosphorus potassium leaf foliar fertilizer after the germination, but also apply the quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer, such as calcium ammonium nitrate. If the orchard with natural fruit set is to control the water and control fertilizer.

Finally, I have been receiving calls over the past few days, about the fruit trees and clearing gardens, when to use stone sulphur mixture, as well as higher-end mineral emulsifiable concentrates, sulphur dry suspending agents, and so on.

personal opinion:

Do not use fungicides if the grapes have no leaves. The number of pathogens in the orchard is very large. It is unrealistic to want to kill all the germs by spraying them all over the bud. Even if there are more germs on the wire, on the beam, on the column, in the soil, these germs must pass through the wind and rain to spread to the branches. In the spring germination, the most harmful to the grapes are those that are lurking on the leaf buds and branches. The bacteria are directly lurking in the plant tissue. When the spring grapes sprout, the bacteria begin to attack. After spraying the stone sulphur mixture, mineral emulsified oil, etc., there is no way to take the bacteria, because these drugs can not be sucked. Of course, there are many systemic agents, such as difenoconazole, epoxiconazole, flusilazole, etc., which are very systemic, but must be allowed to be absorbed by plants. The fruit trees are still not germinated. When the sexual agent is sprayed, the plant can not absorb it, and it is impossible to enter the inside of the tissue, and it is impossible to exert a bactericidal effect. Therefore, in the pompon stage sulphur sulphur mixture, my personal experience, the spray is not the same, the spray is more assured. For the most critical spring medication for grapes, the time to kill the overwintering pathogens can be achieved after the leaves are deployed, using systemic agents.

(Author: Technician)

This article URL: Possible problems in the grape germination period

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