Rainy and continuous symptomatic prevention and treatment of sweet corn disease

The recent rainy weather is prone to cause the occurrence and prevalence of sweet corn diseases, and a mixture of various diseases occurs. If the weather is fine, the peak incidence will occur again, and the farmers will respond to the treatment and promptly prevent and cure.

1. Corn stalk rot is often caused by several fungi and bacteria alone or in combination. It usually occurs in the late stage of sweet corn silking. The symptoms are acute and chronic, and the acute type is “green and dry”, which often occurs in storms. After that, there may be windy weather. After 2-3 days, the leaves lose water and appear to be wilted. Chronic type of disease progresses slowly, the leaves gradually yellow from the bottom, the base of the stem is discolored, decayed, the infected part is rotten, there is rancid smell, the plants are dry and the disease is like water stain. The pith is hollow, easy to fall, the ear is drooping, and the grain is dry. Sweet corn stalk rot is a sudden-onset disease. The rainfall is more serious, resulting in serious water accumulation in the field. The plant has more wounds, which is highly beneficial to the disease, dissemination, development and prevalence.

Route of transmission: Pathogens with the residue in the soil for winter, the bacteria can invade through the wound or directly. Or invade the stem from the base of the sheath and extend to the lower internode. It can also be spread by seeds. The disease is high temperature and high humidity at 30 °C, the field air does not circulate, and the soil is seriously affected when the drainage is poor.

Control methods: (1) Breeding resistant varieties; (2) Rotation, reasonable close planting; (3) Scientific fertilization and timely irrigation and drainage; (4) Chemical control: timely prevention and prevention in the early rainy days to avoid widespread occurrence and prevalence of diseases. With the bacteria poison must be 20 ml + must harvest 10 ml, foliar spray combined with irrigation root.

Second, the corn bacterial wilt disease The whole plant died at the jointing stage, and the base of the stem was cut open. The pith was browned, and the Fusarium was associated with the late stage of the disease.

Control method: timely remove the diseased plant and use the bacteria toxic gram of 20 ml + must harvest 10 ml, foliar spray and irrigation root combination.

Third, the corn sheath blight on the leaf sheath appears stained green long oval-shaped cloud-like lesions, much like boiling water burns. Later, the lesions gradually increase, and they are connected to each other into a large irregular moiré, and then the upper sheath and the leaves are developed, which can damage the top leaves in severe cases.


Prevention and treatment method: In the early stage of the disease, use the agricultural power to support 4.5 ml of water and 15 kg of spray.

Fourth, the corn leaf spot is mainly harmful to leaves, stems, ears, seeds, etc., the lesions are oval, rectangular or spin-shaped, yellow-brown, gray-brown. Sometimes the lesions have a ring pattern. Under high temperature conditions, the lesions appear dark green infiltration area, and the lesions are yellow-brown necrotic spots.

Transmission route: The temperature is higher than 25 ° C and the rain is heavy.

Control method: In the early stage of the disease, use 8-10 ml of agricultural power to spray 15 kg of water. Severely diseased plots should be increased in dosage and plant growth regulators added to increase the therapeutic effect.

5. Corn spot disease mainly affects leaves, and when it is severe, it affects leaf sheath and wrap. The field begins in the lower leaves and gradually develops upwards. At the beginning of the disease, there are water-stained blue-gray dots, and the posterior veins develop toward both sides, forming a central yellow-brown, dark-brown fusiform or spindle-shaped large spot. When the humidity is high, the lesions heal into large pieces, and the spots produce black gray. Mildew, the diseased part is longitudinally cracked or withered, the ears are covered with leaves, and the lesions are irregular.

Incidence conditions: temperature 18-22 ° C, high humidity, especially rainy, foggy or rainy weather, can cause the disease to prevail.

Control method: In the early stage of the disease, use 8-10 ml of agricultural power to spray 15 kg of water. Severely diseased plots should be appropriately increased in dosage and plant growth regulators to increase the therapeutic effect (Note: 25% of agricultural support uses imported propiconazole and added hypertonic agent and penetrant to greatly improve the utilization rate of spray and preventive effect obviously increase).

Acne patch 2*6

Acne Patch3

The main material of salicylic acne patch is hydrocolloid, which is composed of hydroxymethyl cellulose, medical hot melt adhesive. patch acne is used to apply to the surface of acne, absorbing tissue secretions in a physical way and creating a moisture-balanced environment around the acne. Korean acne patches has a flat back and neat edges, with no defects of decoupling. Acne scar patch can absorb more than twice of its own tissue fluid. Acne cover patch is disposable. Keep skin clean before acne pimple master patch use, do not apply any products, do not use with ointment. Acne patch microneedle is most effectively absorbed when the acne appears pus-filled. To use acne pimple healing patch, remove the sticker, peel off the backing paper, apply it to the wound and gently press around it to fix it. Acne spot patches is most effectively absorbed when the acne appears pus-filled. To use acne removal patch, remove the sticker, peel off the backing paper, apply it to the wound and gently press around it to fix it. After the color of the custom acne patch changes from clear to white, replace the sticker. Salicylic acne patch has good water resistance and can be used during makeup or bathing.

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Henan Maidingkang Medical Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.mdkmedical.com