Safe season chickens need to be wet
China Antibacterial Blend Suppliers
Here you can find the related products in Antibacterial Blend, we are professional manufacturer of Antibacterial blend. We focused on international export product development, production and sales. We have improved quality control processes of Antibacterial Blend to ensure each export qualified product.
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Salicylic Acid,BHA,O-hydroxybenzoic acid,Allantoin Xi'an Gawen Biotechnology Co., Ltd ,
Timely replacement of mat litter on the ground for rearing into chickens, due to the easy accumulation of moist litter, should be timely replacement of litter and cleaning of feces, usually 1 to 2 days for a change of litter or add a layer of dry litter, conditions should be transferred away from The land is raised or kept in cages. At the same time, it is necessary to clear the excrement in time and remove the old litter on a regular basis.
There are many situations in which water leaks from the ground, such as faucets leaking, water dispenser valves damaged, and the sink filled with water. To prevent moisture, the ground should be covered with cement to ensure good drainage outside the house and inside the ditch. The drinking fountain (including the sink) should be placed on the unpaved concrete floor or on the barbed wire platform. The overflow should be drained directly from the ditch to the outside. , Taps, drinking fountains to try not to leak.
Note that the salt content in diet feed should be controlled below 0.4%, and chickens should not be allowed to eat high levels of sulphite and should not abuse laxatives.