Symptoms of celery soft rot and its control methods

First, the harm symptoms

Symptoms of celery soft rot occur mainly at the base of the petiole. In the early stage of the disease, small spots of water-soaked, light brown, quickly expanded to form a spindle-shaped or irregular-shaped depression spot, showing a wet rot, late black hair odor, leaving only the epidermis. Occasionally stem from the stem, causing the whole rot.

Second, control methods

1. Agricultural measures: More than 2 years of rotation for seriously illed plots. Strengthen the cultivation and management, and loosen the soil after watering or raining, but do not hurt the roots. The diseased plants were found to be excavated in time and lime was disinfected. Controlling the watering can not make the soil humidity too high. Drip irrigation can be used under certain conditions.

2. In the early stage of disease, use 20% morpholine melamine copper (challenge hit spot) 600 times plus streptomycin sulfate 2000 times plus green leaf pioneer 600 times spray or 20% copper acetate (bacteria dies off) 500 times liquid plus green leaf pioneer 600 times liquid spraying or 20% Yezizole 600 times plus green leaf Pioneer 600 times spraying, every 5 to 7 days 1 time, continuous control 2 to 3 times.

Antigen Extraction Tube

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