The best way to select the weeds for transplanting vegetables
Transplanting vegetables is transplanted to Daejeon after the nursery stage, so the tolerance to herbicides is stronger. Before transplanting to soil treatment or transplanting to control the emergence of weeds, we can consider the following herbicides: 33% weeding through EC 48% trifluralin EC, 50% Praxanthine WP, 50% acetochlor EC , 24% Goer EC, 72% Dole EC, 50% Napropamide WP, 60% Butachlor EC, 41% Glyphosate, 20% Paraquat, 12.5% ​​Sophoris ECL Wait. However, melons, especially cucumbers, are sensitive to most herbicides and require special attention. All kinds of broad-leaved vegetables, such as 5% konjac gram emulsifiable concentrate, 12% condensate emulsifiable concentrate, 10.8% high-efficient gaisengeng emulsifiable concentrate, and 12.5% ​​narcotics, etc., are very safe for broad-leaved plants and against grasses and weeds. Excellent effect, can be widely used in broad-leaved vegetables to control a variety of grass weeds. Dehydrated Apple,Dehydrated New Crop Apple Cube,Ad New Crop Apple Granules,Air-Dried Apple Rings Xinghua Jiahe Foods Co., Ltd. ,