The ministries and commissions demand that the major cities in the north must use 5-7 days of consumption to store food

The ministries and commissions require major cities in the north to store their food by 5-7 days. The National Development and Reform Commission's General Office, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued notifications requesting major cities in the north to do a good job of saving winter vegetable storage and reaching 17 provinces and cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanxi and Hebei.

According to reports, the vegetable and vegetable saving system in winter and spring is the primary means of ensuring stable prices for winter and spring vegetables in northern cities. In order to ensure that the city's normal consumption meets emergency needs, and in accordance with the "State Council's Circular on Further Promoting the Guarantee of Market Supply and Price Unchanged by Vegetable Production," major cities should, in principle, be no lower than urban residents. The 7-day consumption confirmed the extent of vegetable savings. The municipal authorities concerned should give the necessary compensation for the reasonable expenses incurred by the storage subject in the vegetable saving process.

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