Apple ambition to build a digital private doctor for everyone

A while ago, the air in Beijing was good and bad, which made it easy for me to get a respiratory infection. I have to go to the doctor for a week when my condition is still not alleviated. But it is working time! I have no time to go to the hospital, what should I do?

So at noon, I went to the nearest clinic. A doctor who should have been off work said that he could eat later, first help me. After confirming that I was infected with the upper respiratory tract, I also asked if I had any other symptoms. I said yes, the nose is dry and has symptoms of rhinitis. The doctor asked me if I knew what type of rhinitis I had and what I had to do before.

Just as I was preparing to blurt out my illness from childhood to big. The doctor interrupted. "Sorry, I don't have much time." At this moment, I was thinking: If I have a case or a private doctor who records all my illnesses!

In fact, the technology of Samsung and Apple is currently in the health field, and is doing something like this. The goal is to create a digital “private doctor” that is waiting for everyone when they are old, and of course includes digital cases.

Apple and Samsung's efforts in the health field

In the past few days, Darren Dworkin, chief information officer of the West Darts Sinai Medical Center, said in an interview that the West Darth Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles has updated the hospital's electronic medical record system to more than 80,000. Patient data was imported into Apple's HealthKit system.

After the interconnection, the West Darth Sinai Medical Center allows patients to integrate their personal medical information with the hospital's medical records through HealthKit, and their attending doctors can access this information online. Data such as weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, oxygen saturation, and staging can be monitored by HealthKit.

Apple said that more than 900 health, medical and fitness applications have been integrated into HealthKit. Some medical centers have also interconnected with this software.

So, the question is: Does HealthKit integrate the information of these 80,000 people for the user?

Simply put, Apple made a cloud about health. Users can obtain health data by synchronizing their data in a variety of ways, such as Apple Watch and other health data from 900 apps supported by Apple. What is the significance of this synchronization? You can get your health data by syncing and getting your health data from anywhere in the Health Kit, and you can also get your own data.

It’s not just Apple that is working hard, but also a big cow like Samsung.

Last May, Samsung launched the SAMI open source health software application platform. It is reported that the SAMI platform will use cloud networking to support real-time data transmission between watches and mobile health applications. At the same time, the SAMI platform provides API software interfaces to third-party developers, allowing third-party teams or organizations to build a collection platform for digital health data. In addition, to encourage developers to make greater contributions in health tracking, sensor innovation, and data analysis and algorithm processing, Samsung plans to provide up to $50 million in investments for significant groups or organizations.

In fact, in addition to these two long-suffering amnesties, smart wearers such as Jawbone Up24, which specializes in health tracking, have long and similar thoughts.

Obviously, digital health has always been an important area of ​​concern for the majority of technology companies.

The health sector platform is still just the prototype

Obviously, creating a platform in the health field is a very difficult task. In my opinion, it is precisely because of health that the closed loop of data collection, data analysis, and feedback suggestion is difficult to achieve. These points are called the biggest problem to achieve the above goals.

1, data collection

The collection of data including blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar, blood oxygen saturation, body weight, etc. must be accurate, but at present there is almost no medical equipment that can guarantee the accuracy of data collection. It has been reported that Dushan Gunasekera, a doctor in London, said that the accuracy of HealthKit data is difficult to guarantee, and he found that few famous doctors use mobile phones for diagnosis.

2, data analysis

Obviously, just getting data is not very meaningful to the user. After all, it is difficult for a user to understand the exact meaning of some health data. So analyzing the data is also important. There are reports that Rakesh Kapila, a doctor working in London, is concerned that HealthKit users will rely too much on these health data. He suggested that Healthkit and related health applications can inform users when they need to take further action, which can prevent users from thinking all day long and thinking they are getting a serious illness.

3. Feedback suggestions

This kind of big data-based feedback, including companies like Apple, is only in its infancy. It is reported that Apple's huge data processing work will be handed over to IBM's Watson Health Department, after they acquired two medical technology companies, Exporys and Phytel, to provide systematic medical big data analysis services.

As far as I know, it is possible for everyone to have an electronic medical record to be realized soon, but it takes 5-8 years or even longer for everyone to have a "private doctor".

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