Farmers' Experience Sharing: Mountain Grape Wine Cellar

In this season, when the mountain grapes are picked, the mountain grapes are a kind of wild grapes, because it is the raw material of wine, which is higher than other grapes in terms of taste, color and nutritional value. However, many people report that the taste of their own mountain wines is not very good. In fact, they do not have a good method, so Hui Nongwang Xiaolin wants to share with you the wine grapes of the mountain grapes.

In the rural areas, many of the mountain grapes are grown at home, some for the sale, the planting area is larger, and some for the sake of their own wine, just plant a few in front of the house.


Xiao Bian saw a lot of farmers selling mountain grapes in the market. There was a four-barrel mountain grape in front of a grandfather. It seems that there are more than one hundred kilograms. How much is a small amount of money for the uncle? The grandfather said fifty cents.

Xiao Bian said: This year's mountain grape is very cheap, the uncle said: Every year is more than one, this year is not worth the money, and still can not sell, no one buys.

I am a few mountain grapes planted by myself. I brew some wines every year. I can't use them so much. I sell them every year. I will leave some for myself. It is enough for me to drink this winter.

Xiao Bian also brews wine every year, but every time I feel that the taste is not too good, Xiaobian listens to the uncle who actually brews wine, and then quickly asks the uncle: How do you brew the wine? Grandpa smiled and said: Young man Teach you how to make wine, you have to buy these mountain grapes.


I said yes, otherwise I would also like to buy some mountain grapes to go home for winemaking.

The old man said: The technology of the young man's winemaking is not to tell the outsiders. You are the first one. I have been brewing wine for more than ten years. I am very experienced, and I don’t sell the wine that I brew.

Most of the grapes I bought in the city are from the city. They don’t have the right wine. They can’t drink well. It’s so good to sell them to them.

Picking mountain grapes should be one to two days after the rain, the purpose is to clean, because the pre-vintage mountain grapes can not be washed, washed the mountain grape wine is easy to rot.

Buying a mountain grape depends on a layer of hoarfrost on the grape granules. You can't get rid of this layer of hoarfrost. It plays a role in fermentation. The darker the grape granules, the better.

Put the picked grape kernels in a glass container and crush them by hand. The container for making wine is preferably glass or porcelain jar. Plastic or iron can not be used, which affects the taste of the wine.


Put no sugar on the sugar, put two pounds of rock sugar according to ten pounds of grapes, if you like sweet, you can put more rock sugar, then seal it and put it in a cool place. The temperature is now the natural temperature, fermenting for 20 days to a month, Grape skin and grape seed are filtered off and can be drunk after three days of sealing.

Grandpa said: You guys will follow the method I told you, and you are guaranteed to drink.

Xiaobian bought the mountain grape of the uncle, and hoped that the mountain wine brewed this year would be as good as the uncle said.

If you have learned it, just buy some mountain grapes and go home to make wine. Xiaolin wishes everyone to make delicious mountain wine!

2-Piece Ostomy pouch MDK-BO-02 500ML

1-Piece Ostomy Pouch

A one-piece colostomy bags, drainable pouching system designed to be opened at the bottom when emptying. These colostomy bag machine are most suitable for colostomies or ileostomies. Ostomy bag colostomy barrier is a standard wear skin barrier that is gentle to the skin and allows for frequent pouch removal. To close the pouch, use the curved, beige clamp. Soft, beige disposable colostomy bag pouch panels on body side help provide comfort.

The features are soft and flex,standard wear, skin barrier, flat. The Chassis made in 100% hydrocolloid No tape border. Cut-to-fit skin barrier. Ultra-clear odor-barrier pouch film. Curved, beige pouch clamp. With comfortable ware pouch panel body side only. Not made with natural rubber latex.

Ostomy urostomy colostomy bag care products consist of sodium carboxymethylcellulose, adhesives made from medical hot melt adhesives, and separator paper or separators. Nursing equipment for ileum, colon, rectum or urethral stoma,The coloplast colostomy bag comes into contact with intact skin and intestinal lumen,Non-sterile supply. Colostomy bag reusable for stoma washing, care and collection of excreta and skin care around the stoma.

Use disposable colostomy bag, make sure the skin around the stoma is clean and dry before use. Remove the bags for colostomi from the package and separator or paper. Reshape the coloplast colostomy bag into the desired shape and size to fit the skin around the stoma. Apply the colostomy convatec bag to the skin around the stoma,adjust the shape of the paste again,Gently press so that it is firmly flat on the skin. Attach the stoma colostomy bag undercarriage to the stoma. The colostomy bag care can be peeled off the skin, don`t reuse. These one-piece-colostomy bag or two-piece-colostomy-bag are non-sterile product and is valid for three years under the condition of meeting the storage conditions.

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Henan Maidingkang Medical Technology Co.,Ltd ,