Five measures for integrated prevention and control of tomato gray mold in greenhouses

1. Apply sufficient organic manure and increase the application of phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Planting is not too dense. Infinity-growing varieties are planted for about 4000 plants per acre. Before the tomato blossoms, the shed is evenly spread with 1 layer of plant ash to reduce the humidity, increase the temperature of the ground, supplement the potash fertilizer, and enhance the resistance of the plants. The twigs were twiged in time and the old leaves and the flowers were removed.

2. Enhancing ventilation and light transmission is an important measure to control the occurrence of gray mold. It is well-ventilated in sunny days and has little ventilation in cloudy days. The weather in rainy days and temperatures below 13°C is not ventilated. The dust on the membrane is often cleaned, and the sky is exposed using scattered light to ensure the light in the shed.

3, using high ridge cultivation, covering the plastic film, irrigating the planting water, appropriate control of water after easing the seedlings, watering should be selected in the sunny morning in the film, watering closed shed heating up to 30-32 °C and then release the humidity .

4, to change the flowers for spray. Alfalfa flowers can easily accelerate the transmission of gray mold, and can be spray treated with rhododendron. When a small handheld sprayer is used to spray 2-3 flowers on an inflorescence of a tomato, the liquid is sprayed with a concentration of 10-25 mg/kg. About 50% of the flowers are sprayed again when they are open. When the disease is severe, quick keratin may be added in an effective amount of 0.10% in the formulated liquid and sprayed together.

5, timely prevention and treatment after onset

1 Ecological control: The use of temperature and humidity conditions to control the occurrence of diseases. Select warm weather in closed doors in sunny mornings. After the temperature reaches 33°C, maintain a short period of time and let off the air. When the temperature is above 25°C, continue to release air, keep the temperature in the afternoon at 25-23°C, and stop the air release when the temperature drops to around 20°C. The night temperature is maintained at 15-17°C. For diseased organs that cannot be easily removed, use a candle flame to smoke the diseased part at the beginning of the disease to reduce the risk. After the emergence of the diseased plants, it is necessary to reduce the number of people walking between the plants, and not to shed sheds between the sheds where the disease has developed and which has not yet occurred, so as to avoid transmission. Control with brown sugar fermentation broth, the preparation method is: take brown sugar, white yeast, water, mix according to the ratio of 30:1:50, ferment at room temperature for 15-20 days, add 10 parts of rice vinegar and shochu, diluted 100 times The plants were sprayed at a distance of 7 days and sprayed once for 4 to 5 consecutive times. They were used at the beginning of the disease and they could receive good control effects.

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