Forsythia standardized cultivation techniques

Forsythia suspensa, deciduous shrub, is a genus of Forsythia genus, with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiemetic, diuretic, anti-liver damage and analgesic effects.

First, characteristics

Forsythia up to 3 meters, branches or sagging, twigs slightly 4-angled, internodes hollow, with obvious lenticels. Leaves simple or lobulated into 3 leaflets, leaf blade ovate, margin irregularly serrate, surface green, semileafy. Flowers open first, several to several, axillary, yellow. Capsule, narrowly ovate, slightly obscure, apex pointed like beak, split when split. Seeds narrowly elliptic, brown, with thin wings on one side. Flowering period March-April, fruit ripening period 8-10 months.

Forsythia is cold, drought-tolerant, and barren-resistant. It does not require a lot of climate and soil quality, and has a wide range of habitats. In the dry slopes or in the soil, even the bedrock or the weathering parent material of the purple sand shale can grow. Forsythia root system is developed, although the main root is not significant, but its lateral roots are relatively thick and long, many fibrous roots, extensive extension around the main root, greatly enhancing the ability to absorb nutrients and soil. Forsythia hardy strong, after the cold-resistant exercise, can withstand -50 °C low temperature, its amazing cold resistance, making it a leader in northern landscape. Forsythia germinates strongly and grows quickly, and its distribution can be quickly expanded.

Second, cultivation technology

1. Soil preparation and fertilization. For artificially cultivated Forsythia, sunlight, loose soil, fertile soil, high humus content, and leeward and sandy soil land should be selected for planting. Mushi Fertilizer 2000 kg. The use of large ridge bed technology, bed width 130-140 cm, length as required, bed height 10-12 cm, bed spacing 30 cm.

2. Breeding technology. Forsythia is easier to survive, and its cultivation and management techniques are simple. It is possible to sow seedlings, as well as cuttings, ramets, and infusions. (1) Seed breeding. The seeds were sown in mid-to-late May. About half a month later, the seedling height was 7-10 cm. The first time the seedlings were seeded, and some of the dense seedlings were removed. When the seedling height was 13-17 centimeters, the seedlings were transferred twice every second. 7-10 cm left 1 seedling, after the timely cultivation of weeding, top dressing and other management. For a year of cultivation, if the seedling height is more than 33 cm, it can be planted. (2) Breeding. After defoliating in winter and before sprouting in early spring, part of the seedlings that can be excavated from the mother plant can be planted, and soil can be cultivated at the foot of the mother plant to promote more long roots of the seedlings, which is conducive to survival after planting. (3) Batten propagation. In the spring, the drooping shoots were pressed into the soil, and the young plants were planted in spring. (4) Cut propagation. Select 1-2 years of strong twigs, cut into 30-40 cm long cuttings. In the late spring of April, in a well-made bed, according to the requirements of the base planting, spacing is 50 centimeters, plant spacing is 40 centimeters, a seedling is planted in each hole, the cover soil is compacted, the rooting water is poured, and the cover soil is slightly higher than the ground. It is earth-stacked.

3. Field management. (1) Weeding and weeding. Every winter, weeding and weeding should be done next to the forsythia trees. The weeds around the plants can be eradicated or removed by hand. (2) Fertilization. Appropriate amount of top-dressing compost and manure fertilizer were applied after the ditch was planted next to the plants. (3) Drainage and irrigation. Pay attention to keeping the soil moist, watering the drought in time, and draining the trenches during the rainy season so as to avoid water rot.

Third, harvest processing

Forsythia colonizes 3-4 years of flowering results. Usually after the frost falls, the fruit changes from green to earthy yellow and is about to be harvested when it is about to crack. 40-50 kilograms of fruit per mu.

8. Spring sowing new corn variety Kaiyu 18

Kaiyu 18 is a new spring maize variety selected by Beijing Kaituo Sanyuan Biological Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. Auditing No.: Jue Yuyu 2014024

Characteristic characteristics: Seedling sheath purple. The adult plants are semi-compact, with a plant height of 300 cm and a head height of 116 cm. The number of leaves of the whole plant is 20-21, and the fertility period is about 119 days. Tassels branching 10-15, anthers light purple, filaments light green. Ear-shaped tube, white cob, ear length 21.0 cm, ear rows of 16 lines, baldness 0.6 cm. The grain is yellow, half-toothed, with a grain weight of 401.9 g. The rate of seed production is 84.9%. In 2013, the Department of Grain Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture determined that crude protein (dry basis) was 9.70%, crude fat (dry basis) 4.65%, crude starch (dry basis) 73.06%, and lysine (dry basis) 0.31%.

Identification of Disease Resistance: Identification by the Institute of Plant Protection, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2012, High resistance to head smut, resistance to stem rot, large leaf spot, Curvularia leaf spot, and corn borer; 2013, high resistance to silk Head smut, resistant to stem rot, large spot disease, Curvularia leaf spot, and corn borer.

Yield performance: In the 2012 spring planting area trial in the Taihang Mountain area in Hebei Province, the average yield was 781.6 kg per mu. In the same group experiment in 2013, the average yield was 749.3 kg. The production test in 2013 had an average yield of 717.0 kg per mu.

Cultivation points: timely sowing, ensure that the whole seedlings, the appropriate density of 3500 / acre. Mushi DAP 15 kg as a seed fertilizer, visible in the leaves when 12-13, Mu topdressing 35 kg of urea. Do a good job of pest control work. Pay attention to control corn borer.

Promotion Opinions: It is recommended to plant spring sowing in spring sowing area in Taihang Mountain, Hebei Province.



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