High temperature storms beware vegetables are burned

Since May, there have been many fine weather conditions in the city, especially the occurrence of two stormy weather after rain, which caused sun-burning disease in eggplant vegetables at some facilities in Tongzhou and other regions, which has adversely affected the city’s vegetable production. influences.

Sunburn on vegetables is a kind of physiological disease that seriously affects the quality of fruits and reduces economic benefits. The hot summer season is the peak period of sunburn disease in Solanum and melon vegetables in the city's facilities. It mainly occurs in fruits, and secondly in leaves. Fruit scorching often occurs on the fruit surface toward the southwest, if the lack of protection of the leaves, long-term exposure to strong sunlight, causing the fruit surface temperature rises too quickly, evaporation water consumption increased rapidly, the fruit sunny surface temperature is too high, The water supply was not burned in time. The epidermis of the victim’s victim was gray-white leathery, with thin, shrunken surface, necrotic cell tissue, and hard, as if it had been burned by boiling water; later in the wet conditions, it was susceptible to infection by saprophytic bacteria and grew gray. The black moldy layer causes the disease to rot. The leaves scorch, and the symptoms of chlorosis begin to appear. The later burned parts become bleached, and the last yellowish or leafy leaves are left unburned, and only the sun-burning parts die. The whole leaf is not completely dry and generally does not fall off.

According to information provided by the meteorological department, since the end of May, the average temperature of the city has been higher than usual, and the rainfall has been relatively low. The weather has been continuously fine, the temperature has risen rapidly, the maximum temperature has continued above 30°C, and the extreme maximum temperature has been reached. 35 °C -38 °C, the summer has come. According to the meteorological department's forecast, in the first half of June, the rainfall in the city was relatively low, the temperature was slightly higher, the rainfall in mid-range was slightly more, the temperature was close to normal, and there were 3-4 obvious rainfall processes. In order to prevent the adverse effects of sunny and hot weather on vegetable installations and reduce the occurrence of sunburn, especially after the rain, a large area of ​​vegetable burns, it is recommended that vegetable production areas prone to sunburn caused by green peppers, Tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, watermelons, etc. Solanaceous fruits, melons and vegetables should take appropriate measures, such as crops shading, light reduction and cooling, or spray protection agents in advance to increase plant resistance and ventilation. Comprehensive measures such as timely watering, to reduce high-temperature and strong light damage to crops, to avoid causing large losses.

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