H7N9 virus high activity antibody was found

H7N9 virus high activity antibody was found

October 13, 2017 Source: People's Network

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After a two-year effort, the research team of the Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology of the Ministry of Education of Fudan University, after discovering a new high-activity anti-viral human antibody m826 that can target H7N9 avian influenza virus, has been discovered. It is of great significance for prevention or treatment. The relevant results papers have been published online in the latest issue of the international authoritative journal Cell-Host and Microorganism.

It is reported that since the discovery of the world's first human case of H7N9 avian influenza in 2013, there has been a wave of epidemics every winter and spring, posing a threat to public health security.

According to Ying Tianlei, the m826 antibody was screened from a super-large natural human-derived antibody library, which has a unique mechanism of action by recognizing a new acid-sensitive epitope on the hemagglutinin of H7N9 avian influenza virus. Immune cells to kill the virus, that is, do not directly neutralize the virus, but induce its super-strong activity, "recruiting" immune cells such as natural killer cells to destroy the virus and the cells infected by the virus. Further animal experiments have shown that m826 antibody can completely protect mice from high dose avian influenza virus, whether it is used for prevention or treatment, and has strong antiviral activity in vivo. The study also found that the antibody is a natural "germline" antibody with little or no somatic mutation. The researchers not only found antibody sequences similar to the m826 antibody in patients with H7N9 infection, but also found very similar antibodies in healthy people and infants. These natural germline antibodies are effective against new infections without the need for excessive somatic hyperthermia. The findings provide important insights into how to more effectively develop vaccines and drugs for emerging infectious diseases.

According to Professor Jiang Shibo, one of the co-authors of the results and a scholar of the National Thousand Talents Program of the School of Basic Medicine of Fudan University, the m826 germline antibody is a highly active, fully human antibody with high safety and good drug-forming properties. Patient samples can be quickly used to develop specific infectious disease prevention and treatment drugs.

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