Remediation measures for flood damage in orchards

1. Drainage

After the rain has accumulated fruit orchards, it is necessary to clear the channels in time to drain the water from the orchards, and to straighten the trees that have been washed down by the flood. If necessary, they can be supported and fixed by brackets (should be supported in a timely fashion within 2-3 days). Fixed to promote the normal growth and development of fruit trees as soon as possible. Otherwise, after the soil is dried, the roots will be fixed and then difficult to support. If it is forced to straighten, it will easily hurt the roots. Note that when lifting upside down trees, do not use too much force to slow down the trees. Promote fruit trees to restore normal growth and development as soon as possible. In particular, peach, plum, pear, kiwi, grape and other fruit trees should do a good job in the deep trench drainage, in order to maintain the orchard soil dry, restore the ventilation conditions of the roots of fruit trees. The orchards, which are heavier in flooding and cannot be cleared in time, must be dug between the rows of fruit trees to reduce the water table. Immediately between the rows of fruit trees without drains, dig deep drains of 50cm-60cm in width and 30cm in width to allow water to drain into the trenches.

2, remove debris

To remove debris and sludge deposited on the branches and leaves, it is best to use a sprayer to spray water to wash the leaves to ensure the normal physiological activities of the tree.

3, cultivator hanging soil, earth mulch

After removing the accumulated water, 1.5m-2m away from the trunk, the soil around the tree tray can be opened and scattered to accelerate the evaporation of the soil moisture, strengthen the ventilation, help the beneficial microbial activity of the soil, thereby restoring the root development and promoting new development. Root growth. Wait until after 3 sunny weather before covering. For fruit trees that are heavily rooted and rotted, roots should be sown in combination with cultivator eucalyptus and roots should be removed.

For the orchard washed by the topsoil, the soil should be mulched as soon as possible, and the roots should be exposed and buried again in the soil.

4, brush white dressing

For fruit trees with large amount of defoliation after receiving ravioli, in order to prevent the main branch of the main branch from sunburning and expose the trunk and branches, use 1:10 lime water to whiten or lime slurry (whitening agent: quicklime 5kg + lime sulfur crystal 250g + salt 100g + water 10kg-15kg dubbed) brushing, and use straw or straw to prevent bark cracking caused by exposure. Ensure that branches and leaves are intact and promote photosynthesis.

5, anti-strong sun

In case of high temperatures and sunny days after rain, it is better to work against the strong sun and the sun, to prevent the plants from wilting and dying.

6, make up the tree

After the fruit trees are affected, the root system is damaged and the ability to absorb fertilizer and water is weakened. It is not appropriate to apply root fertilizer immediately. While increasing available nitrogen fertilizer to restore tree vigor, phosphorus and potash fertilizers should be added and foliar fertilizer should be applied. After the rain is stopped, pests shall be promptly combined with spraying and spraying on the leaf surface for 2-3 consecutive times with intervals of 5-7 days. 0.1%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 0.3%-0.5% urea solution or 1000X or more of METHOCEL may be used. Fenway No. 1 1000 times, etc., for foliar dressing or tree-coated amino acids, or top-dressing compound fertilizer. After the tree potential is restored, the cooked manure urine, cake fertilizer or urea is applied to promote new roots. After flooding in heavy orchards, the deep-falling soils are changed and then the basal fertilizer is applied. In the orchards with severe root damage, the spraying of amino acids on the foliage and the amino acids in the trunk should be used to prevent the re-irrigation of the top dressing and aggravating the damage.

7, moderate trim

Timely cut off the broken branches, clear the fallen leaves, drop the fruit. For trees with severe rooting, timely thinning, leaf cutting, and fruit removal are needed to reduce the amount of transpiration and reduce the consumption of trees to prevent plant death. For trees with more dead branches, cut off the useless shoots after sprouting. For excessive growth of shoots, especially in the upper part of the canopy, there are more shoots with longer branches. To control canopy closure, reduce the burden on branch shoots, and prevent large branch from cracking, it is advisable to trim leggy branches and upper dense shoots in time. For sagging or broken sagging shoots, they should be cut short at the cleft or at the appropriate branches to prevent the wounds from getting bigger and larger. It can also reduce the number of cracked branches and bumps near the branches, leaves and fruits. If the grapes are to be picked up in time to prevent the young leaves from infecting the downy mildew, the peach trees must be retracted or cut to shoot new shoots on the back, and the new shoots are too close; for the trees with more results, some or all of the fruit can be removed.

8, disease prevention and pest control

The high temperature and humidity environment is conducive to the occurrence and spread of various diseases such as pear scab, rust, ringworm disease, peach leaf deficiencies, brown rot, anthrax, and grape black spot disease. The breeding of green leafhoppers, peach aphids, and mulberry worms. After flooding, the body's disease resistance is weakened and wounds are increased. It is the epidemic peak period of various diseases. After the rain has fallen, it is sprayed 2-3 times in a timely manner to disinfect the entire garden and use high-efficiency broad-spectrum insecticidal fungicides to prevent the development of diseases and insect pests. Spread, such as 25% triadimefon 2500-3500 times, 40% carbendazim 600-800 times, 70% thiophanate-methyl 700-800 times, 65% dexamethasone 500-700 times, 75% chlorothalonil 500-600 times liquid and so on. The orchards with many diseases, such as open grapes, should pluck bactericides with good expansibility, good protection, and strong absorption in the rainy season. In the high-temperature period after the flood disaster, we must pay close attention to the occurrence of root rot and root rot, and respond to the disease. Grapes should not use ethephon and other redners. In the rainy season, the ripened fruit's vegetative pressure has increased dramatically. If the external ripening agent will further increase cracking, it will also cause a large number of fruit drop phenomenon in high temperature weather.

9, at any time

More rain, more water, high temperature and humidity, the pathogen is the easiest to spread, clean the park at any time. The diseased leaves, diseased branches, and diseased fruits in the orchard are cleared out of the park, buried deeply or burned; the weeds in the orchard are removed in time; after the sick branches and fruit are cut off, disinfection is performed to prevent cross-infection.

10, timely harvest

For orchards that have been flooded for a long time, harvesting should be carried out in advance; harvested orchards that are lighter and unaffected should be harvested in stages.

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