"Snot worm" inspired a new medical "glue"

"Snot worm" inspired a new medical "glue"

August 01, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency

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Inspired by the mucus secreted by the sputum known as "snake worm", Harvard researchers in the United States have designed a powerful, non-toxic medical "glue" that can also be tightly integrated with biological tissues in a humid environment. Frequent deformation without cracking.

According to a press release issued by Harvard University, the new adhesive has both super-adhesive properties and effective transfer and dissipation of stress, so it is very tough. There is no product with these two characteristics before. The adhesive can be used for hemostasis and wound adhesion inside the human body, and can also fix the medical device in an organ or tissue in the body.

A kind of mollusc, commonly known as "snake worm", its body will secrete a lot of mucus, these liquids have a strong viscosity, so that the sputum can firmly adhere to the rough surface, to avoid being easily taken away by the predator. The researchers designed the new adhesive in the same way as the composition of the mucus.

In a new issue of Science, the researchers report that the new adhesive has a two-layer structure, one of which is a raised, positively charged polymer that, when bonded to biological tissue, passes through electrostatic attraction, atoms. The triple action of covalent bond and physical structure creates a super-adhesive force; the other layer is a base composed of alginate and polyacrylamide, which can absorb a large amount of energy and make the material have high toughness.

A number of experiments using pigs and experimental mice have shown that this adhesive can work in a few minutes and combine well with the moist surfaces of various internal organs and tissues. It is not used when the animal liver is hemostasis. There is a product that damages the surrounding tissue. The researchers used this adhesive to repair the heart damage in pigs and found that it remained stable after tens of thousands of heart contractions and diastoles.

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