The hottest field of global CVC venture capital is mobile communication and medical health
In the past few years, the venture capital boom has not only entrepreneurs, investment institutions, but also a special group - CVC (Corporation VC, corporate venture capital, hereinafter referred to as CVC). According to CB Insights, one-third of the global investment in 2016 comes from CVC, which not only shows that CVC is growing stronger, but also that more and more companies are beginning to attach importance to building an ecosystem through investment. This week's entrepreneurial insight into the Galaxy Research Institute analyzed the global CVC investment data in 2016 and found that CVC investment is gradually returning to early projects, and investment in the Internet sector accounts for half of the total investment. The United States is still the country with the most investment in CVC, and Europe is also growing rapidly. The most active CVCs in the world are Intel and Google. Global CVC 2016 Investment Data Note: Due to the differences in information collected by the CB Insights database, the number of Chinese CVC investments listed here and the CVC institution rankings differ from the domestic mainstream database content. In 2016, CVC participated in a total of 1352 investments in 2016, with a total investment of 24.9 billion US dollars. Below we analyze the investment of CVC in 2016 according to the data of CB Insights. CVC returns to early investment In the second half of 2016, half of the CVC investment projects were in the early stages (A round and before). The number of B-round projects remained stable, while the proportion of Series C projects declined in the second half of the year, from 15% in the first half to 9%. The number of investments in the Internet sector accounts for half of the country. The Internet accounts for half of the total investment in each quarter, and mobile communications and medical health rank second and third. Looking at the Internet alone, the number of investments has increased by 4% compared with 2015, reaching 635, but the investment amount has decreased by 13.2%, totaling $10.5 billion, which also accounts for 42% of the total CVC investment in 2016. . drainage catheter, pigtail biliary nephrostomy drainage catheter, pigtail drainage catheter Anesthesia Medical Co., Ltd. ,