The new kit allows women to know their breast cancer risk at home like Angelina Jolie

Release date: 2015-04-24

Angelina Jolie once said that the cost of breast cancer genetic testing would discourage many women. Before she underwent bilateral mammectomy in 2013, she spent more than $3,000 on genetic testing.

Now a Silicon Valley company is producing a home DNA saliva test that can detect breast cancer mutations for just $249.

The kit detects both BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations and detects 17 other mutations that increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

Women with BRCA1 mutations have an 80% increased risk of breast cancer and a 50% increased risk of ovarian cancer.

The kit's production company, Color Genomics, was founded by former Twitter and Google engineer MIT Cancer Researcher Erad Gill.

Dr. Jill said that the company was founded mainly because it wanted everyone to have an opportunity to understand their own genetic risk of cancer. This important message gives people and their doctors the opportunity to manage their health while making critical life choices.

The doctor can order it online and the patient can receive the kit at home. The kit consists of instructions that tell the patient how to take a saliva sample and send it to the testing center for processing.

Color Genomic is currently available in 45 states in the United States.

Original link: http:// -technology.html

Source: Kexun Medical Network

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