US company invented the treatment of burn "skin gun": 4 days can grow healthy skin

British media said that with a "gun" that sprays stem cells to the wound to promote the rapid growth of new skin, the burnt patient's affected area has an incredible recovery.

According to the British "Daily Mail" website reported on May 7th, people who suffer from extensive burns usually have to receive treatment for weeks or even months, during which the surgeon removes the skin from other parts of the patient's body and transplants it to the affected area. This process is very painful and leaves the patient with unsightly scars that can never be eliminated.

Today, American doctors are using a new technology to allow patients to regain a new layer of healthy skin in just 4 days.

Patients who benefit from this technology say that their newly grown skin is no different from the skin in other parts of the body.

Thomas Boulder, president of RenovaCare, a US company that developed this "skin gun" technology, said: "This treatment is more gentle - the re-growth of the skin looks, feels and functionally resembles native skin. ."

First, remove a small piece of healthy skin that is the size of the stamp. The stem cells are then separated, placed in a solution, and sprayed onto the wound. This process takes only 90 minutes.

美公司发明治烧伤“皮肤枪” :4天可长出健康皮肤

"Skin Gun" that can cure burns (RenovaCare, USA website)

According to the report, one of the cases was a 43-year-old man whose scald and upper arm were burnt with a large area of ​​hot water, to a very serious extent.

The doctor sprayed 17 million stem cells into his affected area. Within 6 days, the entire affected area developed new skin and the patient was discharged. After only 6 weeks, he has been free to move.

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