3D printing to assist heart surgery
Release date: 2015-01-22 3D printing technology has already happened to save lives, but Florida is even more thrilling. The doctor at Cardiovascular Surgery at Miami Children's Hospital used 3D printing to print out the heart of a 4-year-old girl, Adanelie Gonzalez, so that she could preview the model and prepare a complex heart surgery for Gonzalez to save her life. Gonzalez suffers from a congenital complete venous ectopic connection (TAPVC). It is commonplace that her veins are misplaced, directing blood to the wrong position in the heart, causing difficulty breathing, lethargy, and weakened immune system. After some operations, the doctor found that these methods are not a cure for the symptoms, only a short-term effect. Because of the grim situation, Gonzalez will only have the last few weeks of life if it is not done as soon as possible. Using a 3D printed heart model, doctors can plan surgery and determine the plan before experimenting with a valuable donated heart. On January 16, Gonzalez's blood vessels have returned to normal orbit and are recovering after surgery in the hospital. This incident is similar to the case of the Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of the New York Presbyterian Church last year. The doctor also performed the 3D model on the 3D model before going to the baby to do complex heart surgery. Nancy Dobrolet, a pediatric cardiologist, said: "The role of 3D printing in some extremely complex operations is generally overlooked, but in the case of Gonzalez, the 3D model did play a major role." Both of these examples prove the miracle that 3D printing brings in the medical industry. If this is not enough to make you realize its importance, we (the original author) don't know what to do. Source: Omelette Net
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