Wescor Sweat Collector Macroduct 3700 Method of Operation

The sweat test has three phases: stimulation, collection, and analysis. Gibson and Cook's pad absorption method, the introduction of pilocarpine as a stimulating factor for iontophoresis, is generally considered to be the reference method for sweat testing, but unfortunately, the final sweat test results are always relatively large. Since 1978, Wescor has systematically addressed the inherent errors in the collection of sweat tests and has adopted a series of groundbreaking innovations to minimize human error. The Webster Sweat Inducer and the Macroduct Sweat Collector collect pure secretions from the exocrine glands as analytical samples, taking advantage of the unprecedented visual quantification of sweat during the collection process. The Sweat-Check sweat analyzer provides an easy and accurate method of analysis. They form the Macroduct sweat detection system, which has been widely used in laboratories around the world and has become a new standard.

Macroduct 3700 & Sweat-Chek 3120 Application: The diagnosis of clinical or laboratory cystic fibrosis disease, the correct diagnosis of cystic fibrosis disease and correct medication in the early stage of newborn, the child can effectively extend the life.

Sweat analysis and sweat collection system: http://

Sweat collection and analysis system: http://


This video will show you the first two detection stages of the Macroduct sweat detection system: sweat stimulation and sweat collection. (with Chinese brief description)

Items required for operation:
1.1 ml syringe
2. Syringe needle
3. Deionized water with nozzle
4. Alcohol swabs
5. A box of paper-free paper towels
6. Timer
7. Powder-free gloves
The sweat collection system Macroduct 3700 operation process:
One: sweat stimulation 1. Wipe the two electrodes with deionized water. 2. Place the electrode: Place it in the middle (not near the wrist, or obvious muscles or bones)
3. Wipe the area to be stimulated with an alcohol swab. 4. Wipe clean with deionized water. 5. Add two drops of deionized water to the stimulation area. 6. Insert the electrode and gel for 5 minutes.

2: Collecting sweat 1. Remove the electrode and gel and wipe it with deionized ions. 2. Load the sweat collection dial for about 30 minutes. 3. Insert the syringe into the sweat collection tube.

Sweat-Chek3120 sweat analysis:
1. Insert a new sweat collection tube into the right aperture of the 3120. 2. Insert the tube that collects the sweat into the aperture on the left side with the syringe, and slowly push the sweat into the analyzer. 3. Read the display. Data and record 4. Clean the analyzer and dry

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