The difference of late blight of tomato early blight

First, the incidence of temperature late blight, when the temperature is lower than 15 °C, relative humidity 80%, easy to disease. Early blight, when the temperature is lower than 25 °C, relative humidity 85%, easy to disease.

Second, the symptoms of leaf diseases Late blight from the tip of the plant or the beginning of the leaf edge, early dark green irregular water stains, expanded to brown. Early blight: The lower leaves of the plants appear as small black spots at the tip of the needle, followed by development of lenticular spots and upward expansion.

Third, the stem symptoms of late blight, lesions were long dark brown, the edges sometimes grow white sparse dense material. Early blight: lesions are oval or diamond-shaped, dark brown.

Fourth, the fruit symptoms of late blight: mainly occurs in the green fruit, the lesion was dark green oil immersed at the beginning, after becoming brown, showing an irregular moire. The disease is harder, with some unevenness. When the humidity is high, a small amount of white mold rapidly rots and the fruit generally does not fall off.

Early blight: Occurred mainly before the fruit, the lesions were oval or indefinite brown or dark brown pitted spots. The later fruit was cracked, the diseased part was hard, and the black mold layer was dense.

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