Dietary taboos in patients with liver cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis is a clinically common chronic progressive liver disease with diffuse liver damage resulting from the long-term or repeated action of one or more causes. Most of the liver cirrhosis in China, a small part of alcoholic cirrhosis and schistosomiasis cirrhosis. Histopathologically, extensive hepatocyte necrosis, residual hepatocyte nodular regeneration, connective tissue hyperplasia, and fibrous septum formation lead to structural destruction of the hepatic lobule and formation of pseudolobules. The liver gradually deforms and hardens and develops into cirrhosis. In the early stage, due to the strong liver compensatory function, there is no obvious symptom. In the later stage, liver function damage and portal hypertension are the main manifestations, and there are multiple systemic involvements. Late upper gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy, secondary infection, and spleen often appear. Hyperthyroidism, ascites, cancer and other complications. The course of liver cirrhosis is generally very long, long-term treatment and care is very necessary. What needs to be noticed in life after cirrhosis? 1, avoid eating certain fish Gastrointestinal bleeding is a common complication and cause of death in patients with cirrhosis, and eating fish is often one of the causes of bleeding. Tuna, sardines, saury, mackerel These fish contain an unsaturated organic acid called carbazuric acid, the content of up to 1 to 1.5%. The most abundant fish oil. The human body cannot synthesize carbodepentaenoic acid from other free fatty acids and it depends entirely on food. One of the metabolites of anthracarbaenoic acid is prostacyclin, which inhibits platelet aggregation, and in patients with cirrhosis, clotting factor production disorders and platelet counts are inherently low. Once a person eats fish that contains a large amount of anthracarbaenoic acid, platelets The cohesion is even lower, it is easy to cause bleeding, and it is difficult to stop. Therefore, patients with cirrhosis who have a tendency to bleed are advised to ban eating these four kinds of fish. Other fish contain much less cesareans, such as salmon, halibut, and real money. If liver cirrhosis patients want to increase protein in the body to eliminate ascites, eating squid soup is OK. 2, do not eat too much protein Cirrhosis patients eat more protein, not only can increase plasma protein levels, prevent or reduce liver fat infiltration, but also can promote liver tissue recovery and regeneration. However, if the total amount of protein eaten in three meals a day exceeds the limit of 2 to 3.5 grams per kilogram of body weight per day, there will be side effects. Excessive protein produces excessive ammonia in the body and the liver cannot convert it to non-toxic substances. The end result is a hepatic coma. If you have had a hepatic coma or have a hepatic coma, you should strictly limit the intake of protein. The weight per kilogram of body weight should not exceed 0.5 grams per day. It can be seen that it is very important for patients with liver cirrhosis to properly adjust protein intake according to their condition. 3, avoid alcohol and smoke Prolonged drinking can lead to alcoholic gastritis or even alcoholic cirrhosis. Drinking can also cause epigastric discomfort, loss of appetite, and lack of protein and vitamin B family. In addition, alcohol has direct toxic effects on hepatocytes. Nicotine has a vasoconstrictor effect, resulting in decreased blood supply to the liver, affecting the liver's nutrition, and is not conducive to the stability of liver disease. Therefore, patients with cirrhosis should avoid alcohol and tobacco. 4, do not eat too much sugar People know that hepatitis patients should properly replace some sugar. However, liver cirrhosis patients are different, because liver cells are severely damaged during liver cirrhosis, the liver will monosaccharide synthesis of glycogen storage and conversion of a part of the monosaccharide to fat function has been significantly reduced. At this time, if the patient continues to eat a large amount of sugar for a long time, he will develop diabetes and hepatic diabetes, which will make it difficult to treat liver cirrhosis. 5, do not eat spicy food In cirrhosis, portal hypertension can cause the dilatation of the lower esophagus, fundus, and anal veins, and cirrhosis is often associated with gastric erosion and ulceration. If the patient eats chili and other spicy foods, it will promote gastric mucosal hyperemia and peristalsis, which will induce upper gastrointestinal bleeding, cause anal burning and increased stool frequency, aggravate acne, and cause anal fissure. 6, do not eat too much salt In patients with cirrhosis, the function of the liver destroying the anti-urea urea is weakened, so the urine output is reduced, so that the salt phlegm is left in the body, and the plasma protein is reduced to cause edema or ascites. Therefore, patients with liver cirrhosis should strictly control the intake of salt. Liver cirrhosis without edema or mild edema, daily salt intake shall not exceed 5 grams; severe edema, salt intake may not exceed 1 gram. 7, avoid eating hard food Due to portal venous hypertension during liver cirrhosis, the lower esophagus and fundus blood vessels become thicker and the walls of the vessels become thinner. Rough foods swallowed into the stomach without being swallowed may cause puncture or smashing of blood vessels and cause massive bleeding. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the common complications and causes of death in patients with cirrhosis. 8, avoid drug abuse Due to the reduced liver function during liver cirrhosis, the detoxification process of the drug in the liver is greatly slowed, and the drug can accumulate in the body. In particular, the anesthetic and sedative drugs not only have a direct toxic effect on the liver but also induce hepatic coma. Therefore, it is necessary to use as little medication as possible, and the drugs used must be non-useless. 9, careful sex life Uncontrolled liver cirrhosis patients can induce hepatic coma and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The number of sexual life of compensated liver cirrhosis patients must be reduced to a considerable extent, and decompensation period should be prohibited. 10, avoid tired According to traditional Chinese medicine, human blood is divided into meridians, and human beings live in the liver and spleen. This shows that patients with cirrhosis should rest more. Bed rest can reduce the need for hepatic metabolism and increase liver blood supply, which is beneficial to the nutrition and regeneration of liver cells and promotes stable disease. If not only do not rest, but also overworked, the situation is just the opposite, liver cells will appear again necrosis, thereby aggravating the condition. 11, avoid emotions pessimistic Being too melancholy and obsessive can lead to an imbalance in human immune function and aggravate the development of the disease. Patients with cirrhosis should be like those who survived 20 years of advanced cancer and are still living healthy in the world. 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