Identification of authentic cows
Authenticity authentication Common counterfeit products of the common heron are also dry and mature seeds of the convolvulaceae plant. The authentic and counterfeit products are very similar in appearance. To facilitate the correct differentiation in the clinical application, the identification method of authentic and fake products of the hernage is now introduced. as follows. Authentic 1.1 Plant morphology Pharbitis nil (L.) choisy. Twisted herbs for 1 year. Stems left-handed, more than 2 m in length, pubescent to pubescent, and mixed with obliquitous hairs. Leaves alternate; leaf blade broadly ovate or suborbicular, deeply or shallowly 3-lobed, occasionally 5-lobed, base cordate, lobes oblong or ovoid, acuminate or cuspidate, lateral lobes short, triangular, Ruptures are sharp or round and leaves are slightly hardened. Flowers axillary, simple or 2-3-flowered at the apex of peduncle, peduncles of varying lengths, coats; sepals 2, linear or leaflike; sepals 5, subequal, narrowly lanceolate, hairy outside; Corolla funnelform, 5–10 am long, blue-purple or purple-red, corolla tube pale; stamens 5, not extending beyond corolla, filaments unequal, base slightly broad, hairy; pistil 1, ovary glabrous, 3 rooms, stigma head-shaped. Capsule subglobose, 3-valved. Seeds of 5 to 6, scalloped triangular prism; dark brown or beige. The shape of Pharbitis pururea (L.) Voigt is similar to that of yailing. The main difference is that the leaves have a round heart shape or a wide ovate heart shape, and are usually full. Flowers axillary, simple or 2--5 into an umbrella cyme, bracts ovate-lanceolate. 1.2 Identification points Its seeds are triangular-oval, resembling orange petals, slightly flat on both sides, arched arched on the back, about 4-8 mm long. The surface is grayish black (black and ugly), or yellowish-white (white and ugly). There is a longitudinal groove in the middle of the back surface, and the convexities on both sides are uneven. The ventral surface is a ridgeline, and there is a round umbilicus at the lower end of the ridgeline. Tough, tough, cross-section visible light yellow or yellowish green fold folded cotyledons. After water immersion, the seed coat was cracked, with obvious mucus. Odorless, spicy, bitter and numbed. The seed contains about 3% of prolamine, a resin glycoside, and is hydrolyzed with a base to obtain pyriprothoric acid, crotonic acid, splitting-leaf pyritic acid, d-methyl butyric acid and valeric acid, etc. (Pyrrhotic acid is a mixture, the separation can be Acetic acid A, B, C, and D, and the latter two are predominant), also containing ergot alkaloids, dicamba, ergot alkaloids, ergot alkaloids, ergot alkaloids, and fatty oils (11 %) and other sugars. Fatty oil components are mainly alkane compounds, followed by acids. Round-leaf morning glory seeds contain gibberellins A3, As, A8, A17, A19, Mo, A26, A27, A29, A33, A44, Ass. It also contains phenylglyoxin-7-O-β-D-xylopyranosyl-O-β-D-arabinofuranoside, 2,3,22,23-tetrahydroxycholesthol-6-one, chestnutone And ergot alkaloids. Counterfeit goods 2.1 Dry mature seeds of Moonflower Calonyction aculeatum (L.) House. Seeds are slightly flattened oval, 8-10 mm long and 5-7 mm wide. The surface is pale brownish-yellow, smooth and bright, and the back is arched, with a central longitudinal groove and a ridge line on the ventral surface. Hard, cross-section pale yellow, visible 2 fold folding cotyledons. Odorless, slightly spicy and bitter. The immature seeds contained gibberellins A8, A17, A19, A27, A29, A30, A31, A33, A34, and also contained kauri acid and 6 monohydroxyl kauri acid. Distributed in Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces. In Guangxi, it was discovered that there were sufficient cows for medicinal purposes. 2.2 Northern Coyote Merremia sibirica (L.) Hall. f. [Convolvulus sibiricus L. ; Ipomoea sibirica (L.) Pers. Drying Mature seeds. Seeds are ovoid, mostly spherical 1/4-shaped, length 4-6 mm, width 3 ~ 5 mm. Grayish-brown, non-glandular hairs with golden scales, rough shedding, small pits, arched arches on the back, shallow longitudinal grooves in the center, ridgeline on the ventral surface, distinct umbilicus, and ridgeline and abaxial junction It is missing. Hard, yellow cross-section, visible 2 fold folded cotyledons. Odorless, slightly spicy. Distributed in Jilin, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other provinces. In the northeast, Inner Mongolia and some parts of Zhejiang, misuse it as a child. 2.3 Bowling Calystegia hederacea Wall. Dry mature seeds of [Convolvulus japonicus Thunh]. Seeds are ovoid, mostly spherical l/4 shape, length 3 ~ 5mm, width 2-3mm. The surface is grayish black, with many small projections, and the umbilical cord is distinctly lacuna. Hard, 2 cotyledons seen on the cross section. Odorless, tasteless. Rhizomes contain anti-caprolactone, palm leaf anti-alkaline, leaves contain 30 galactoside glycosides. The content of ascorbic acid in flowers and the content of carotene are high. Distributed throughout the country, in Liaoning found that there is a misuse of the phenomenon. 2.4 Amaranth Lpomoea aquatica Forsk. [Convolvulus repens Vahl;I. reptansPoir. ] Dry mature seeds. Seeds are ovoid, 4–6 mm long and 3–5 mm wide. The surface is black, the umbilicus is obvious, showing a lack of cracks, and there are three distinct knobs at the junction of the back, one in the middle, and the two right and left are equal. Hard, 2 cotyledons seen on the cross section. Odorless, tasteless. Stems and leaves contain proteins, sugars, lipids, phenols, terpenes, triterpenoids, glutamine, alanine, sucrose, a-tocopherol and beta-carotene, lutein, lutein epoxide, There are more than ten kinds of carotene such as xanthine and new yellow. Distributed in central and southern China. The situation in the Luodian area in Guizhou Province was found to be used as a henchman. 2.5 Dry mature seeds of round leaf dill Ouamoclit Coccinea Moench. The seeds are ovoid or spherical, mostly 1/4-shaped, l/3 or 1/2-shaped, slightly smaller than the primordial. The surface is black and covered with dots. In Tianjin, it was discovered that the cows were medicinal. 3 Summary The seeds of the morning glory and its counterfeit moonflower, northern cocklegrass, bowl-flower, leeks, and round-leaved dill are similar in appearance characteristics, but as long as they grasp their traits, they are easy to distinguish. The research on the chemical composition of the yakko is more in-depth, and the moonflower seed composition needs to be further studied. However, the chemical composition of the sclerophylline, gardenia, amaranth, and leaf-leaf dill is only partially studied on the stem and leaf, and the composition of the seed is studied. Still need to go deeper. Spill Control Sandbags,Absorption Sandbags,Quick Absorb Flood Bags,Sand Bag Dam Denilco Environmental technology(Suzhou)Co., Ltd. ,