Greenhouse root knot nematode control

Symptoms: mainly damage crop roots. After the roots are damaged, there are many lateral roots, and they form spherical or conical shaped nodules at the end of the root. Sometimes they are strung together. They are initially white, soft, and turn brown to dark brown. The surface is sometimes cracked. . The above-ground parts of the affected plants are stunted with yellowish leaves and wilting in the early days. They are easily mistaken for wilt disease. The suitable temperature for the development of root-knot nematodes is 25-30° C. It takes 25-30 days for the generation to reproduce at 27° C. The larvae stop their activities at 10° C. and die at 55° C. for 10 minutes. The nematode is active in more than 20 centimeters of deep soil and it is most common in 3-10 cm soil layers. Nematodes spread by soil, diseased seedlings, irrigation water, and agricultural operations. The conditions of high altitude, loose soil and low salt content are suitable for nematode activity, which is conducive to disease incidence, and the incidence of sand land and heavy cropping land is heavy. In the absence of host conditions, nematodes can survive in soil for 1 year.

Control methods: soil disinfection, combined with deep-turning mu before application, 80 kg of lime nitrogen, soil disinfection with 1.8% of Indimethacin emulsifiable concentrate, 1-1.5 ml water per square meter, 6 liters of water, or Miller 3% granules per mu. 4-6 kilograms, mixed with 50 kilograms of dry fine soil; during the growth period, use 1.8% instar walnut oil 1 000-1 500 times to irrigate the roots 1 or 2 times, 10-15 days apart. After the harvest, the field is completely cleared of diseased plants, and concentrated burns or deep burial can be used for manure. In addition, two tons of biogas slurry can effectively control root-knot nematodes. Where conditions permit, it is better to plant rice after the harvest of vegetables.

Frozen Dirty Tubes

Zhejiang Industrial Group Co., Ltd. ,